Example sentences of "[art] [pron] know [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah you 've got all the you know a condom dropped out of his pocket and everything
2 And I said just get the nail out and re repair the inner tube he said no it 's the there 's a new regulation this year that if the outer case of the you know the tyre has
3 Cos I think these meeting logs are a pain in the neck cos they 've got the you know the boxes are about this big and you need to be a spider to write in them .
4 The you know the the little header .
5 And they measure the quarters from your birthday from one quarter to the you know the day in the next quarter .
6 Erm again I i would n't have thought that you know odd days here and there would have any effect but if if it 's going to more long term and the you know the amount increases then it could have an effect on your premature retirement compensation .
7 And then when it finishes you 've got all the guys coming out shouting and screaming and running about through the flats , the music never bothered me , it was just the you know the guys coming out after that bothered you .
8 Erm and I think actually being part of them and you know like , inner city churches , living right the you know the vicar 's and the the congregation 's not just coming from say to , but actually living in the area .
9 Er , summertime , good weather , the these meetings were a feature of er the you know the political lie , er in the wintertime , similar meetings and activities were undertaken er in the public hall , er in in in the local hall .
10 And the You know the white And that 's just nice just now is n't it ?
11 Because I think the er the you know the revenue would think it was a bit odd that somebody else owned the money , and you paid the income to another party .
12 But looking at it from the other point , that 's the you know the word entitlement comes from you know , I I think I 'm entitled to twenty days ' training , but whether I need twenty days ' training to be
13 I think it 's too much of the from the you know the contractors .
14 Say for the you know the the implements on the farm that they have
15 And then they sent back for the you know the , the ones that had been there before .
16 I represent I think , along with my colleagues here , the you know the pensioners ' movement .
17 But you know it 's funny how why it was so I mean the grit and those were quite sharp you know You you 'd have thought that it would have taken your skin but then it was ideal stuff for getting the grease the you know the dirt and I mean the the greasy dirt away .
18 Oh no we do n't make it from scratch , we just do the you know the m main machining
19 we would n't object yes , it was very you know , the emphasis was very different and just as the you know the emphasis on , on the handover erm , he wrote down that we would be happy to stand down and in fact what we said was we
20 I think that that is , is something that you know we looked at the you know the Mirror that you know while thirty years ago they were doing short punchy stories and they maintained that , that there was actually
21 Yes I wanted to erm outline what the you know the purpose of these discussions today er so that we can get to the point where we can get into er get into more detail .
22 and have a back up of the you know the the individual days sort of
23 The one in the in the you know the erm machine washable ones is an almost exact match to this .
24 Seeing as it is the you know the birthday edition .
25 And er my chum 's mother , she was a forewoman French polisher and he asked her to come and er work along with him you know , but it was I mean that was during the depression years , that was in the the twenties right through to the you know the The first bright spot was when the Queen Mary got started it gave people And then of course , just after that , things was beginning to pick up , but it was really preparing for war .
26 the the apprentices er and the polish the you know the cabinet makers you know , young boys .
27 Away up across the overhead bridge here you cross the you know the overhead bridge
28 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
29 I could tell by the you know the details
30 I would n't be able to do the you know the really high very high impact .
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