Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] there " in BNC.

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1 One of the nicest mums there is .
2 In the largest agencies there will probably be a small management group , drawn from among the 20 or more directors , which has the task of managing the agency , in the orthodox sense of management .
3 Among the possible destinations there was Switzerland , where the Shah had spent a lot of time ( and a lot of money ) on his ski holidays .
4 If I got fed up with the foster parents there was no one I could turn to really .
5 But even among the Spanish dealers there are several notable defections , the most serious of which are Theo , La Maquina Espanola , Oliva Arauna and Pepe Cobo 's gallery of collaboration with Brooke Alexander and John Weber .
6 Thus , though there is a slow progressive build.up in the upper levels of the intertidal zone , largely aided by human interference , in the lower levels there is virtually no overall accretion .
7 On six of the eight issues there was a recognised Whig and Tory position , to which the majority ( some 77 per cent ) of the peers conformed .
8 Distal to the oral papillae there are 2–3 large flat tentacle scales of the second oral tentacle pore , often forming a series with the oral papillae .
9 Official figures give average class sizes as forty to fifty , but it is reported that in the rural areas there are often seventy to eighty children in a class .
10 On the rural services there will be extended use of radio signalling to replace ageing mechanically-operated boxes .
11 Some of the older evangelicals were concerned about the name of the new party , sensing in the dropping of the word ‘ Protestant ’ a weakening of its evangelical emphasis , but even among the rural evangelicals there was an awareness of the need for a broader party .
12 I said we 'll go on that to get to this other place , and the bloody things there were shoots of firing and there were
13 For , just as for the similar sailors there would always be another ship , so for the mobile diggers there would always be some other great construction project when the present one finished .
14 Among the professional politicians there could be little opposition , partly because the key men had been arrested but largely because all attempts to rouse the people made by those still at liberty failed dismally .
15 Party conferences were not just piss and wind ; among the 7,000 pilgrims there were not a few for whom the hotel bedrooms of Brighton were the promised land , a weakness shared by some Tribunes of the People .
16 While rejecting the detailed application of management approaches from an industrial or commercial environment into schools , we should not fall into the belief that there is nothing to be learned from such experience — for in the right conditions there is .
17 If you look at the general secretary report under the regional sections there is an invisible service you 'll be unable to find the health and safety side .
18 erm cos if you start thinking about the four-sided ones there 's the square which everybody knows about which is again is the regular polygon is n't it ?
19 With the stressed plants there was a problem in ‘ seeing ’ narrow leaves of the sort that tend to occur under stress .
20 Among the free churches there is no set system of redundancy procedure as there is for the Anglican Church , so that it may be for officials from the local congregation to decide if and how to dispose of vacant church property .
21 In the Palaeozoic rocks there were other stalked filter-feeding echinoderms , which failed to survive the crisis at the end of the Permian , weathered by the crinoids .
22 In addition to the cultural blocks there is a spiritual blindness in the hearts and minds of people which prevents them from hearing the Good News .
23 Also , after the Jacobite Wars there had been a gradual but continuing improvement of the main roads in Britain .
24 For example , as Duncanson points out , in the public services there was the principle that natives could not aspire to higher posts whatever their technical qualifications .
25 Among the public rooms there is a spacious lounge , with TV , a lift and a well-run restaurant offering a good choice .
26 Among the public rooms there is now a restful lounge and a bar where guests can relax after sightseeing .
27 Among the public rooms there is a bar , lounge and garden with steps to the dining-room .
28 On the high mountains there was still snow but the valleys looked hot and dry .
29 In the Benedictine frescos there was good adherence of the painted strata in the dry areas , scaly separation in intermediate humidity zones , lack of colour , missing pieces and evidence of previous restoration attempts .
30 Yeah , well I mean , that 's a , that 's a difficult one , inside information , when you get down below the top ranks there are lots of people in the mid mi medium-ranks who would know about insider dealing , and I 'm sure use it .
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