Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She clicked her false teeth together , and announced with something of the normal snap in her voice that she was going to call Margaret right now .
2 So far from regarding the 1935 result as a foregone conclusion , Baldwin always felt that the choice of date , intermeshed with the fostering of the suitable national mood , was one of his more considerable political challenges .
3 Beaverbrook considered it an achievement that the USA and UK had settled on the 1943 draft as a formula for future negotiations , but US ambassador John Winant , at lunch with Churchill , Berle , and Beaverbrook , thought the Prime Minister wanted the Lord Privy Seal to ‘ soft-pedal ’ the internationalization aspect so as not to offend the USA .
4 And I think where the confusion sometimes comes , is that the costume you have , the , the actual evidence of what people were wearing , a lot of it comes from fashion plates , and it 's like saying , erm judging what people in the nineteen-nineties wear from Vogue magazine .
5 On some coals drawn to the side of the neat little fire , strips of meat were laid to grill : with the subtle savour of wood smoke they spread a most provocative smell on the still air .
6 But all at once the light-hearted feel to the conversation had flown .
7 Hand in hand , the lovers roam the streets while Loutside ] the drunken and the debauched revel in all kinds of perversities .
8 The muscular derring-do of our film heroes inspired us to imitative feats of climbing , usually trees ; and their prowess in stalking and sniffing out was echoed in our exploration of sombre , dingy and often damp places .
9 A decline of the sculptor 's reputation derived not only from the political discredit into which the regimes of the years before 1914 had fallen , but also from a distaste for allegory , and a revulsion from naturalist sculpture ( which the young Brancusi expressed forcefully as a dislike for ‘ beefsteak ’ ) .
10 We took the 09:30 ferry to Dunkirk and met a driver from Perth .
11 He returned it to the failed initiate without comment .
12 No more than 14 when she pocketed the Scottish Girls ' title and the Scottish Girls ' Under-22 Stroke-Play Championship for a first time , Jane became the youngest ever to play for Great Britain and Ireland in the Curtis Cup when she was chosen for the 1980 match at St. Pierre .
13 This is an exciting prospect as future policy could depend on how the eight perform at Cologne and Essen .
14 Five of the eight appear on the royal books for 1661 as members of the ensemble known as the Hautbois et musettes de Poitou .
15 Darts is one of the few sports I 've got the right build for .
16 Speaking on the day of the ruling , David Lange , the New Zealand Prime Minister at the time of the bombing , described the 1986 accord as an agreement forced upon him by French threats from " the highest level " .
17 The Indian Supreme Court on Aug. 27 cleared the way for a resumption of investigations into allegations of high-level corruption in connection with the 1986 deal for the purchase of Bofors artillery from Sweden for the Indian army [ see p. 37184 ] .
18 Bramshott and Liphook Preservation Society have broken new ground with their latest publication reproducing a copy of the 1925 Guide to Liphook and its outlying villages .
19 That the archbishop of the prestigious see of Milan , graced by St Ambrose and St Charles Borromeo , should not be made a cardinal looked like a deliberate snub .
21 I would n't be surprised if the coming slump makes the Thirties look like the proverbial walk in the park .
22 Surely , however , the women who do make the transition from the grant-aided sector to the mainstream bring with them a history of political and creative experience which must make itself felt in the long run ?
23 He spoke briefly of the responsibility the rich owe to the poor of the Third World .
24 If he ended up with a taste for feudalism and aristocracy it was because he believed that the old paternalism was better than the inhuman gulf between ‘ classes ’ — ‘ One would wish to see the rich mingle with the poor as much as may be upon a footing of fraternal equality . ’
25 The cuts will reduce the 1992-3 overspend from £460,000 to £360,000 .
26 FORMER Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher now pockets more every minute than the unemployed get in a week .
27 But it does , by this convention , proclaim itself to be a book of a special kind , one designed to proclaim what the faithful believe about Christ , not necessarily a book which is straight narrative history in the modern mode .
28 It was not so much a guidance note as a review ; the Committee 's terms of reference had been to consider the design and layout most appropriate to various types of roads in built-up areas , with due regard to safety , the free Mow of road traffic , economy and the requirements of town planning , and to make recommendations .
29 On 12 September 1375 the pope awarded Wakefield the lesser see of Worcester , his share of the spoils carved out between royal and papal envoys at the concordat of Bruges ; this superseded an election by the chapter of their prior , supposedly confirmed by the king .
30 And he had once elicited from her the statement , ‘ I did not have what the English refer to as ‘ a good war ’ . ’
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