Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the present time studies directed towards the educational product are being carried out , and long-term evaluation of both the introductory and advanced courses in information retrieval is in progress .
2 The introductory and basic skills workbooks far outnumber those that are subject-oriented .
3 The contrast between the total but impersonal dependence of the proletariat and the personal dependence of the slave was an idea which Marx was to continue to develop in most of his later work .
4 Weber did qualify his emphasis on the coercive methods through which the state maintains order and compliance , ‘ force is certainly not the normal or only means of the state ’ ( Weber 1972 p.78 ) .
5 This is the Normal or Gaussian curve and represents the distribution of events due to chance .
6 This is the Normal or Gaussian curve and represents the distribution of events due to chance .
7 Permanent consumption can be thought of as the normal or planned level of spending out of permanent income and can differ from measured consumption ( C ) by any unplanned , temporary increases or decreases in consumer spending , called transitory consumption ( CT ) .
8 I said how surprising it was that even in a small society like ours we should be able to throw up any number of superior people to replace those lost in the normal or abnormal attrition of life .
9 95% Confidence intervals for single proportions and the differences between two proportions were calculated with the normal or exact methods where appropriate .
10 If the normal and primary way of justifying the legitimacy of an authority is that it is more likely to act successfully on the reasons which apply to its subjects then it is hard to resist the dependence thesis .
11 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
12 Throughout the Bible private property is the normal and accepted form of ownership and there is no conflict between trusteeship and private property rights .
13 All in all , it was still impossible to predict that , within six years of the 1911 national transport stoppage , Wilson 's vision of a joint union-Shipping Federation board would be imposed on the industry and that within nine years it would have been accepted voluntarily by the Federation as the normal and accepted method of conducting business with Wilson and his colleagues .
14 Second , discrimination was examined in terms of the extent to which performance on each item differentiated between the normal and language-disordered children .
15 If digit 4 develops at a high concentration , digit 3 at an intermediate concentration , and digit 2 at the lowest concentration , then one can visualize how both the normal and mirror-image patterns arise .
16 In both the normal and obese groups , the urinary immunoreactive signal was found to coelute with synthetic APGPR on gel chromatography .
17 But the Belfast and Edinburgh situations are abnormal and irregular only if it is assumed that the patterns revealed in the New York City study are the normal and regular ones , and that Labov 's findings on the structure of that speech community are universally applicable .
18 Again he is taking over precisely the ‘ modern ’ definitions and oppositions , between the normal and pathological , the natural and unnatural , etc. , which have been shown to be both confused and ideological in the narrow sense .
19 Despite research contributions for many countries the normal and pathological motor function of the colon remains poorly understood .
20 Actually what is now taken to be the normal and basic meaning of the English word " family " is far removed from the meaning it carried in earlier times when the economic basis of English society was different .
21 In many central African societies indeed , accusations of witchcraft ( or sorcery ) provide the normal and expected accompaniment to the break-up and dissolution of previously united kinship groups .
22 In this method , the phase difference between the phases from the normal and anomalous scattering in the structure is estimated by measuring Bijvoet pairs for a reflection at two or more wavelengths .
23 ‘ a system of ideas and practices based on a set of beliefs about heterosexuality being the normal and natural sexuality for both women and men , and all other sexual practices , in particular homosexuality , being deviant .
24 Those were the normal and acceptable patterns of Rhoda 's crimes .
25 The Commanders having in person executed the covetous part of Sacrilege , they leave the destructive and spoiling part to be finished by the common soldiers ; [ who ] broke down the organs and dashing the pipes with their pole-axes , scoffingly said ‘ hark how the organs go ’ .
26 Though they adopt the confusing and misleading distinction between normative theory and empirical theory , Duncan and Lukes argue cogently against Dahl that classical democratic theory is not invalidated by modern sociological findings since their ideals can logically contrast with facts without being invalidated by empirical research , which does not in any obvious way call for their general revision' .
27 Given the confusing and contradictory messages that women may be getting on their social role , it is worth exploring the question of whether their experiences of higher education are similarly confusing and contradictory .
28 The confusing and contradictory nature of the medical evidence comes over even more clearly when one examines the findings of the later waves of evacuation , for in these the Board of Education and Ministry of Health , anxious not to repeat their mistakes of September 1939 , did intervene more actively .
29 In scene four , Anderson 's uneasiness is ultimately of his own making , but in scene six it is the confusing and confrontational nature of the speech situation he finds himself in which unnerves him .
30 It was agreed that the Georgian and Russian governments , together with the government of the North Ossetian autonomous republic ( inside the Russian Federation ) , would work for the resettlement of the tens of thousands of refugees displaced from South Ossetia by the conflict , and for the " restoration of the lawful local government bodies " .
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