Example sentences of "[art] [adj] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This accords with work of others , although the hypergastinaemic subgroup in our study was a smaller proportion of the total than previously reported ( 11% , compared with 36–40% ) .
2 Thirty-five players beat par in the first round and there were also more rounds in the 60s than ever before — 18 .
3 Rance tried to convince Aung San of British goodwill but he replied that when Dorman-Smith had first returned ‘ there was more goodwill being shown by Burmese to the British than ever before ’ .
4 Neither aprisiones nor hospitia are documented before the Carolingian period , and they occur more often in the reign of Charles the Bald than previously .
5 The nurses were well trained in dealing with rich patients who were used to doing as they pleased and often disliked accepting the discipline of routine ; they knew that the very old , the alcoholics , and the more than slightly batty patients ( called ‘ eccentric ’ ) had to be carefully supervised .
6 Elsewhere there is some very good singing , especially from the excellent Marina of Stevka Mineva , the more than usually listenable Grigory of Michail Svetlev , and Boris Martinovich 's splendidly sinister Rangoni .
7 To which he uttered the classic comment , in the more than usually low drawl he employed for such deliverances : ‘ There 's always bound … to be a certain amount of iniquity … in these matters ’ .
8 These were characterized by a much shallower decline in the demand for HE into the 1990s than previously .
9 The final type of classification is one that appears to be less rather than more relevant for the 1990s than previously .
10 Overnight temperatures will keep up , no lower than around five or six degrees celsius , that 's forty one to forty three fahrenheit .
11 Sometimes no farther than yesterday .
12 Stewarts and Crazy Prices supermarkets are cashing in on the schooltime purchases with a bigger than ever range of bags and stationery .
13 Most seismic sources in the Earth lie no deeper than about 100 km and generate much more seismic energy than all the lunar sources put together .
14 It is estimated that the basin would have become no deeper than about 5 km , and as today Mare Imbrium is of negligible depth there could be up to about 5 km of infill .
15 When she sprayed her face , her visage became more of a blank than ever , a black mask with the merest hint of features .
16 No later than early 716 Nechtan , son of Derilei , king of the Picts , approached Ceolfrith , abbot of the monastery of Wearmouth and Jarrow , for guidance on Dionysian Easter tables and the Roman dating of Easter ( HE V , 21 ) — probably at the time that the Northumbrian priest , Ecgberht , was persuading the church on Iona to adopt the same ( HE 111 , 4 ; V , 22 , 24 ) — and in 717 expelled the Columban communities from Pictland into Dál Riata ( AU s.a. 715 , 716 : AT p. 225 ) .
17 Margaret Fischl ( Miami , USA ) presented results from ACTG 155 which showed that among symptomatic patients ( CD4<300/L ) who had taken zidovudine for a median of 18–19 months , the combination of zidovudine and zalcitabine ( ddC ) was no better than either zidovudine or zalcitabine alone ( primary end points , first AIDS-defining event or death ; mean follow-up , 17 months ) .
18 She did not teach much , for Fanny describes her own educational level as " no better than very vulgar reading ; or rather spelling , an illegible scrawl , and a little ordinary plain work " .
19 ‘ We own about 60 or 70 of 200 houses in the Rivers area , and Trent Street is no worse or no better than anywhere else . ’
20 It 's commonly held that instruments are generally better made these days — even the cheap ones — and one of the prime benefits of this is that the purchaser has a better than even chance of buying a worthwhile instrument , regardless of cost .
21 So , ’ he added with a slightly twisted smile , ‘ I just concentrated on business , and became even more of a workaholic than ever ! ’
22 This was a more than slightly retouched version of his record .
23 If we wish to revive that tradition , or if we are interested in creating a fully democratic society , then there can be no doubt that a more than narrowly political or formal equality must be one of our goals .
24 I still wanted to believe that he had been fooling me , or testing my credulousness in a more than averagely cruel manner .
25 At the time when the Hundred Years war broke out , a defender had a more than even chance of beating off an attack .
26 Diane had n't been a stunner , but she 'd had a pleasant face and a more than tolerably decent body .
27 What lends the work a more than merely programmatic cohesion is , I think , the extreme sensitivity of Mason 's ear for harmony : the strangest agglomerations of texture have a vertical consistency in terms of pitch that identify them all as integral parts of the same piece .
28 To write a novel is to conduct imaginary personages through imaginary space and time in a way that will be simultaneously interesting , perhaps amusing , surprising yet convincing , representative or significant in a more than merely personal , private sense .
29 Was this a more than merely temporary parting of the ways ?
30 It is of a more than usually splendid birthday party , of jolly music , beer and sausages , goose-stepping , displays of rocket transporters and President Gorbachev saying ( without mentioning his loaded off-the-cuff remarks , or those by his spokesman , Gennady Gerasimov ) all the right things about West German revanchism .
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