Example sentences of "[art] [adj] time [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you speak for more than about a fifth of the total time this is not appraisal , it 's lecturing , or worse , pontificating .
2 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
3 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
4 I 'll call at the usual time next Tues .
5 Kim had booked for three days — the longest time available .
6 Their mission to take troops and weapons to any theatre of war in the quickest time possible .
7 I do n't know , that 's the old time honoured way of doing it , is n't it ?
8 Louise came again , towing Suzanne , who spent the entire time shuttered off within the earphones of her Walkman ; if spoken to she smiled with bland and tolerant self-absorption , like the very old .
9 Continual assessment and updating of instructors would ensure that the limited time available for training was used to best effect .
10 The prototype tools gave encouraging results in the limited time available , and the equipment will be developed further .
11 This alternative was also deemed impossible in the limited time available .
12 Given the problems involved and the limited time available , such hopes were doubtless unrealistic ; the fact remained that , in addition to the constant hostility of the CNT , Azaña and the Left — Republicans found themselves , by the summer of 1933 , dealing with a Socialist Party gripped by frustration with parliamentary democracy .
13 It is a convention in Elizabethan drama that slander is always believed , which can be explained perhaps from the necessities of the limited time available , or is perhaps a truth about life ( how many of us instantly disbelieve bad report ? ) .
14 It should be emphasised that the smallness of the sample and the brief time spent in data collection are not indicative of the priority of the Minor Project in the eyes of the investigators , but merely reflect the limited time available for this aspect of evaluation .
15 So grapevine contacts were consulted , location of latest new arrivals checked on , hunches followed , and an efficient itinerary worked out to make the very best of the limited time available .
16 The minister did not believe that Tameside Council could properly implement the change within the limited time available .
17 In practice however it would appear that PGCE courses do resemble each other in many significant ways , no doubt because they have the same ultimate purposes and because the limited time available enforces a focus on fundamental issues leaving little opportunity for additional , idiosyncratic areas of study .
18 Despite the limited time available to prepare the Consortium 's case , the tremendous commitment of everyone involved — local people , expert witnesses , Mrs Kent ( our solicitor ) , and Mr Burrell — ensured that the case , when presented , was a strong one .
19 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
20 Could we also look at the actual time that 's on crossing signals .
21 Once a depth of 1.5 metres is exceeded , the Solution enters into dive mode and displays the no-decompression time available , current depth , elapsed dive time and water temperature .
22 Manville only trusted himself , and to hell with the extra time manual effort consumed .
23 Marie asked Gazzer for the second time that day .
24 He was going to the cinema for the second time that week , with his beautiful lady , his Sweetheart , who looked and smelt and sometimes spoke like the real-life star of a Hollywood movie .
25 For the second time that night the prison door slammed shut .
26 For the second time that day , Corbett was shaken awake , an insistent voice calling his name .
27 She was beside herself , shouting at the top of her voice for the second time that day .
28 She was in Wales for the second time that year .
29 And for the second time that day , the bride vowed : ‘ I will ! ’
30 Adam Carver returned on foot to Rose Bower for the second time that evening .
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