Example sentences of "[art] [noun] get out " in BNC.

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1 People are taking the opportunity to get out when they can .
2 A.3.2 If the Vendor notifies the Purchaser of a ‘ breach ’ prior to completion but the Purchaser decides to proceed nonetheless ( ie he does not rescind ) then the Vendor should not still remain liable for damages ; the Purchaser has foregone the opportunity to get out of the deal if he does not like it any more .
3 There 's not much wrong with having a tan — it 's part of our natural defence against sun damage — but we should try to prevent the damage getting out of hand .
4 Lepine yells at the three students on the lectern to get out , but nobody moves .
5 Eee-Eee told the squirrel to get out of my spacesuit .
6 The driver got out grinning sheepishly-but not for long .
7 The driver got out of the car .
8 The nomes waiting in the hedge by the side of the lane saw the driver get out , look at the signs , and …
9 middle of the road or the dampened pendulum : adequate performance through balancing the necessity to get out work while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level .
10 It raises all kinds of questions , such as how do the evil and the tragedy get out again , how long can they stay there without deterioration and many more .
11 Half an hour before the match started two tractors pulled up at the swing bridge , the drivers got out and had a short discussion and proceeded to plough up the field opposite my peg .
12 But a policeman saved the day and told the attendant to forget about the money and let the cars get out .
13 Stops the car gets out open the door .
14 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
15 I managed to get my seat belt off and ducked down in the seat to get out of range of the gunshots . ’
16 They heard one of the Arabs get out and moments later a metal gate was opened and the van drove forward a few feet before stopping again , presumably to pick up the Arab .
17 In characteristic style , Professor Tweedie is determined to stamp on loose interpretation now , before the issue gets out of hand , and is not beyond threatening to throw an encyclopaedia of rules at the profession if it can not be trusted to follow the spirit of the ASB 's principles .
18 I pulled over and Ward and the Indian got out .
19 An example saw the head of the household getting out of his bed at midnight on 13th May , filling his mouth with black beans and then spitting them to the floor , saying :
20 And not to out done , the panda got out his own dictionary and looked up panda , one that eats , shoots then leaves !
21 So what you need to have done with this is to have all the puss got out .
22 Mr Thabane and the boy got out and pushed , struggling for a footing in the sand .
23 Jumped ‘ The gunman got out of a window and must have jumped at least 25 feet to the ground .
24 The chairman will also have to organize the panel during the interview , making sure that everyone has sufficient time to ask their questions but without allowing the process to get out of hand and overrun .
25 When news of the accident got out the hospital where sixteen of the children were being treated was flooded with calls from anxious parents .
26 ‘ Doctor , ’ Bernice almost wailed , ‘ ca n't we at least use the TARDIS to get out of this maze ?
27 I shuffled into the room got out of the doorway and the light was turned on , I ca n't remember with whether I turned it on or whether P C turned it on .
28 The doors stood open , breathing out incense and heavy soul , and the spirit was that of the market scene in the pantomime when the cast , encouraged by the audience , has let the business get out of hand .
29 Mass unemployment during the 1920s and 1930s modified opinion somewhat , although the economist F. Y. Edgeworth opposed the idea of family allowances in 1922 on the grounds that they would encourage male idleness and quoted approvingly the comment of a social worker in 1908 , who said ‘ if the husband got out of work the only thing that the wife should do is sit down and cry , because if she did anything else he would remain out of work ’ .
30 Françoise Cribier finds one reason for the remarkable exodus of retired couples from Paris is that both man and wife need the husband to get out of the house .
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