Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 They may potter round at about £70,000 or £80,000 , then a sudden large donation takes the income up to £140,000 .
2 If we do n't , the knock-on effect will be felt by EVERY club in the land , from the Premier through to the Third Division .
3 If we do n't , the knock-on effect will be felt by EVERY club in the land , from the Premier through to the Third Division .
4 He also proposed to remove Dover House and extend the park through to the river to the north of the offices .
5 In February 1912 the majority was down to fifty or sixty ; in June the Unionists made their first real attempt to " snap " the government and got the majority down to twenty-two .
6 For there , hard at work dubbing the soundtrack on to a new series of Minder at Anvil Studios , was the Lotus Elan-hero-turned-De Lorean cohort I 'd been longing to unmask .
7 Completion date will be February 1994 with a final addition made in the summer of that year to blister the stand on to the north stand .
8 He flung the guitar on to a chair , and bent down to pick Shelley up bodily instead , lifting her as though she weighed nothing at all .
9 They came from all over Gloucestershire for a typical Victorian day out … a trip on a steamer to the seaside resort of Ilfracombe.Six hundred and fifty climbed aboard the Balmoral at Lydney dock … making the most of the chance of a lifetime.After all the last pleasure boat to attract the crowds down to Lydney dock for a trip to Devon was the paddle steamer Ravenswood in 1893 .
10 She had to be careful on the stairway down to the quay , because it was steep and the treads were so narrow .
11 When he looked up and turned to greet me Gyggle 's real profile showed the beard off to even greater effect and teased me with its diversity .
12 erm well no actually that 's It 's not the line on the green dots because that 's a er er an older plan , but is in fact it 's shown better on the er the aerial photograph where you can see the the currently preferred or the preferred route for the northern outer northern route , er and the link up to the A sixty one to the north .
13 The base on to which the silver is electroplated is a mix of nickel , copper and zinc , called nickel silver , although there is no silver in the alloy .
14 Trim away excess and place the base on to the cake drum .
15 Now when it 's opened it 's useful as a sling , two sorts of slings we 're going to do , high sling and the low sling but also if you fold it , it 's very useful as a bandage too , if you put it across your knee , then you bring the point up towards you like that and then again , fold it the base up to the top again .
16 Before he left Larnaca airport on a US Navy helicopter for the hop over to the American Embassy in East Beirut , his briefcase was rigged with a microchip Gigaherz transmitter no bigger than a butter biscuit .
17 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
18 The Hijackers do n't know there 's a C.B. in the truck so I 've managed to feed the mike through to the back and I 'll keep sending as much information as I can .
19 When they were close enough they threw the ropes up to the men at the front of the crowd , and all of them pushed from behind .
20 P6 , we hear , is now slated for the end of 1994 , and there maybe a P67 transition product to manage the change up to P7 ( UX No 405 ) .
21 " The Governors could not recommend the change over to Rugby Football from Association , as the traditions of the School must be maintained . "
22 The water industry favours the change over to European methods of incineration and composting , but faces opposition from people living in the vicinity of proposed incineration plants .
23 On the other hand , it can also be allowed to run its course , carrying the support up to the point of actualization of the infinitive 's event , which produces the " subsequent actualization " sense ( He managed to get free ) .
24 Franz Thun-Hohenstein had to promise his grand-father Franz Anton and his father Christoph , who died in 1990 , that if Bohemia were ever to become free again , he would take the picture of the Annunciation back to the church of the Holy Cross in Decin .
25 She threw the brick over to the bonfire site and attacked with the fork again .
26 A new national organisation he believed should be on a smaller and more economical scale than required by the struggle up to 1833 ; functioning as a watchdog over legislation and supplying information to ministers and public its style had to be ‘ very prudent and discreet ’ .
27 While cost cutting elsewhere , Wear Valley will give the clubs up to £8,000 apiece to help meet new League ground regulations with the proper proviso that they first raise a similar amount themselves .
28 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
29 Make a small hole through the ceiling next to a joist with a bradawl , leaving it in place while you go downstairs and transfer the position ( and width ) of the joist on to the ceiling downstairs with pencil marks .
30 It is also hoped to produce estimates across the board up to 1962 as a contribution to the complete picture up to the present .
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