Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb infin] off " in BNC.

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1 He let the sentence trail off into a silence that vibrated .
2 ‘ If what ? ’ he urged when Ruth let the sentence trail off like the vapour trail of the jet high in the deep blue sky overhead .
3 Multimedia is often associated with flexible software , sometimes called hypertext , which lets the user go off and browse in directions of his own choice in search of ill-defined information .
4 After morning service , when the last of the footsteps , and voices exchanging greetings , had died away , she heard the vicar ride off , the clip-clop of the horse 's hooves as clear as a bell on the cold air .
5 ‘ A great crowd assembled , ’ runs the report in The Sexual Life of Our Time , ’ from the midst of which the unfortunate couple were removed in a closed carriage , and taken to the hospital , and not until chloroform had been administered to the girl did the spasm pass off and free the man . ’
6 A burst of automatic fire up front and to our left brings the column to a halt as we then squat on the wet ground and watch the tracers shoot off across the night sky .
7 Are we saying as a department therefore that we are just gon na let the wheel come off I L O work .
8 The judgement of critics , museum men and those who work for Arts and British Councils is vitiated by prejudice and careless enthusiasm for the latest fad ( or desperate anxiety not to let the bandwagon sweep off into the distance ) .
9 ‘ Did the girl get off all right ? ’
10 Hurrying to the window , he peered through a tear in the curtains just in time to see the Peugeot drive off , heading towards the city .
11 Without warning the air was split by a high pitched banshee wail , rising and falling on a sliding scale of pain that would have made the slates fall off the roof if there had been any .
12 Keith watches the boy walk off down the corridor .
13 Left to himself , he would pretty soon let the blockade ease off for winter , as he 's always done .
14 Cecilia was about to let herself in when the young woman called Alice , who had been there when she heard the bomb go off , opened the door to her .
15 Ross Metcalf , whose Bridge Street pet shop was damaged said : ‘ I saw the flash and heard the bomb go off , it was very , very big .
16 So many people give up because , after the elation of seeing the pounds fall off in the first few days , they lose heart when weight loss slows down .
17 I heard the guns go off .
18 And she sang a few bars into the mouthpiece , swaying a little , watching the lights go off in the theatre .
19 After a final farewell to Tony I watched the train move off towards Dovey Junction .
20 The plane 's wing was damaged on impact and Mr Treweek saw the tail break off as he swam ashore but the pilot managed to land the plane safely on the beach .
21 It was just after nine the following night , rain pounding in from the Atlantic , when Asa stood in the control tower at Laville and watched the Dornier take off .
22 Under what circumstances may the doctors switch off the ventilator ?
23 Sobchak demonstrates how , with grace and elegance , a woman can let the man take off her coat ; how to be coquettish , without being vulgar , and betray interest without immediate surrender .
24 Mrs Glews : Well first of all you heard the sirens go off and then you all went down to the shelter and you could hear the planes coming over .
25 To make the training pay off , firms did their best to keep employees ; at the same time , the prospect of training gave employees an incentive to stay with their firms .
26 Only then would the bride wash off her many powders and oils with the help of her mother .
27 ‘ I did not want to see the goalkeeper go off .
28 The way the paint 's put on in various places makes the painting take off , as it were , where the paint gets fuzzy ’ .
29 ‘ Yes , except that while I was pulling Harry along to that far corner to give him better support , someone opened the main door above our heads , like I told you , and then went away without saying anything , and I heard a car drive off , which might have been Harry 's . ’
30 Neighbours had earlier heard arguing , and seen a man drive off at speed in a white van .
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