Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The extent of British defence cuts is still anyone 's guess , even in Whitehall ; but the Defence Manufacturers ' Association reckons real annual spending will fall to about 75% of 1990 's figure within five years .
2 We had numerous meetings with the provisional liquidator , Christopher Morris ; the majority shareholders ' solicitors , Simmonds and Simmonds ; and the restructuring advisers , Schroder Wagg .
3 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
4 Things came to a head at the Apprentice Boys ' parade in Derry on 12 August .
5 Mrs Cath Thompson , who runs the Cockerton Travellers ' Rest with her husband Geoff , and Mrs Judith Robinson , of the Grey Horse , Bank Top , met Mr Bob Williams on Tuesday .
6 She would have something to tell the Highbury Ladies ' Circle at any rate .
7 The guns , which can take blank ammunition and are used in country and western events , were in a case left in the car when the owner parked it outside the Boiler Makers ' club .
8 Thus Emerson 's career breaks into three parts : his years as a champion and at the top of the FI drivers ' hit parade , his years as an unhappy and frustrated team-manager and his last years as an itinerant driver in search of a lost career .
9 Another boost for the Newtownards firm was revealed last week — all the acoustic guitars on the Hothouse Flowers ' new album , Songs From the Rain , which is currently riding high at No 7 in the charts — are exclusively Lowden !
10 Some time later , I was persuaded to try for a spot in the formidable writer 's Waterloo that is the NME Subs ' Room .
11 The greatest distinction achieved by The Wedding Present , though , was to win the NME readers ' poll for best band of the year , ahead of REM , The Fall and U2 .
12 The funding councils ' duty will embrace courses leading to academic and vocational qualifications ; access to higher education courses ; courses that provide access to qualification-bearing courses and higher education courses ; basic skills courses ; courses in English for speakers of other languages and , in Wales , courses leading to proficiency in Welsh .
13 Their duty covers all kinds of further education for adults that do not come within the scope of the funding councils ' duty .
14 Crawford was a British star on Broadway and , for his considerable pains , won two Best Actor honours , the Variety Critics ' Award and the Whitbread Anglo-American Group Award .
15 In the evenings , after Granpa had come home for supper and the old man had gone off to the pub , I soon became bored just sitting around listening to what my sisters had been up to all day ; so I joined the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
16 For the first two minutes Charlie defended himself well , using the ropes and the corner as he ducked and dived , remembering every skill he had learned at the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
17 But the CGT technicians ' section came out in support of the students for workers ' control .
18 This summary financial statement is only a summary of information in the accounts directors ' report and annual business statement .
19 The answer might be to reintroduce transport allowances , but only on Tuesday the Racehorse Owners ' Association voted against that .
20 Dodging the shell bursts ' debris as branches fell from the large wahrazin trees above shallow trenches by the headquarters , Bernard Callinan could not make out what craft was shelling them , but through the mist he could hear the rumble of small boats ' engines .
21 But as the value and importance of the trade became clear , some companies moved to meet the milk importers ' requirements .
22 Both adverse US payments figures and US budget deficits are familiar stimuli to dealers in dollars , as are hints of any prospect of the money markets ' interest rates being raised ( a classic central banker 's response to market pressure on the currency in which the bank operates ) .
23 It will look at the parallels between the humanities students ' viewpoint and the science students ' viewpoint , exploring similarities and differences .
24 He was a leading light in the Cinematograph Exhibitors ' Association and expanded his business by acquiring and developing a chain of cinemas — which he named Vogue — in places like Govan , Rutherglen and Shettleston .
25 In this emphasis on personal success and achievement we can see a strong thread of individualism in the physics students ' world-view ; they are keenly aware of competition between individuals both in higher education and in the labour market .
26 The CASE students ' employment destinations are discussed separately in paragraphs 7.3 and 7.6 .
27 Curtis said he learned how to grow the mushrooms from a widely available book called the Mushroom Growers ' Guide .
28 This work is accomplished by manually digitizing the field surveyors ' Master Survey Drawing ( MSD ) which consists of the current published map sheet plus amendments noted by the surveyors .
29 In 1981 he was chairman of the Computer Retailers ' Association , and he stood as a local government candidate for Rother Valley in the 1987 General Election .
30 According to the Arable Research Centres ' Justin Smith , some growers in Bedfordshire have been so disappointed with the insect pollinators ' efforts that they have ploughed up their crops to put in linseed or leave fields fallow .
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