Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Group members have to co-operate within the disciplines of time and equal opportunities for participation .
2 They just do n't actually have that information , a lot of small local groups , and I think maybe the C B S could work with the Engineers department in future years and try to get to those groups , because I 'm sure a lot of them , actually if they were given the opportunity in time to get in , that , that you might have a lot of people applying for flag and whatever than you do now .
3 Second , it demands that we think about the direction of time .
4 Although all interactions seem to be invariant under the combination of C ( replace particles by antiparticles ) , P ( change right-handed to left-handed ) , and T ( reverse the direction of time ) , there are known to be interactions that are not invariant under T alone .
5 I soon realized that if one reversed the direction of time in Penrose 's theorem , so that the collapse became an expansion , the conditions of his theorem would still hold , provided the universe were roughly like a Friedmann model on large scales at the present time .
6 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
7 But Cronin and Fitch showed that if one replaces particles by antiparticles and takes the mirror image , but does not reverse the direction of time , then the universe does not behave the same .
8 First , there is the thermodynamic arrow of time , the direction of time in which disorder or entropy increases .
9 This is the direction of time in which the universe is expanding rather than contracting .
10 The direction of time in which a computer remembers the past is the same as that in which disorder increases .
11 Our subjective sense of the direction of time , the psychological arrow of time , is therefore determined within our brain by the thermodynamic arrow of time .
12 And why is the direction of time in which disorder increases the same as that in which the universe expands ?
13 They are the thermodynamic arrow , the direction of time in which disorder increases ; the psychological arrow , the direction of time in which we remember the past and not the future ; and the cosmological arrow , the direction of time in which the universe expands rather than contracts .
14 They are the thermodynamic arrow , the direction of time in which disorder increases ; the psychological arrow , the direction of time in which we remember the past and not the future ; and the cosmological arrow , the direction of time in which the universe expands rather than contracts .
15 They are the thermodynamic arrow , the direction of time in which disorder increases ; the psychological arrow , the direction of time in which we remember the past and not the future ; and the cosmological arrow , the direction of time in which the universe expands rather than contracts .
16 It is the provision of time , attention , positive attitudes , and security .
17 It refers first to the widening of the scope of collective bargaining to include subjects other than pay and conditions , citing as examples : the provision of time and office services for lay trade-union representatives ; man-power planning ; job and income security ; and disclosure of information .
18 The Serpent throughout time has existed as a symbol of the energizing creative force of the one supreme universal Spirit .
19 There is a combination of two factors : the change in time zone and the sluggishness of our body rhythms to adjust to change .
20 He castigated the illustrator of Time Wasted Away for not bringing his work in line with that of Miss [ sic ] Vanessa Bell and , among other things , for depicting the sun as an eight-pointed starfish in the sky .
21 then the vertigo of time sets in ,
22 We have all inherited personal preferences in one shape or form by a variety of different roots ; some of those origins are clear , others of them are lost in the entanglements of time and circumstance .
23 The most common cause for solicitors having to claim on their professional indemnity insurance in personal injury work is the missing of time limits and allowing cases to become statute barred , either by failing to issue in time or failing to serve in time .
24 ‘ As you know I do n't work in the firm but I do give a hand with the accounts from time to time — ’
25 No-one knows exactly who originally discovered the existence of time .
26 As the pairs had a pattern to follow which was dictated by the components of their task — lexis , structure , discourse function — it was possible for me to stop the discussions from time to time to concentrate the attention of the whole group on specific issues like , for example , the meaningful teaching or certain lexis and grammar .
27 In any event the tide of time will wash away any real or imagined anomaly .
28 The women demanded their ‘ gifts ’ of time and interest to the club be reciprocated by the donation of time and money by the players for the collective life of the community .
29 Most significant however has been the donation of time and expertise by the many members of the wider research community who have served on the TEI 's Working Committees and Working Groups .
30 He is reported to be in the process of responding to offers of employment from other theatres in Ireland and across the water , and to be keen to return to the Lyric from time to time .
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