Example sentences of "[prep] both [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Melrose stand-off had been stung by comments after both the Irish and French matches that he was not being creative enough and that the boot had become his only attacking weapon .
2 This is illuminated by Gamble in his thesis that Thatcher 's policies represent simultaneous moves towards both a free economy and a strong state .
3 This was the theory that it kept a Long Kesh compound filled with loyalists as a propaganda exercise to impress observers outside Ulster that it was acting impartially towards both the British loyalist and the Irish republican community .
4 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
5 He took advantage of both a feudal and a monarchical position , treating Frederick as a vassal of the papacy as well as emphasizing his papal rights of protecting a minor .
6 In these more recent paintings we become aware of both a shifting architectonic harmony and a sense of movement , or transition .
7 It is a very early example of both a cruciform construction and a dome upon pendentives and , because of its date , the dome and pendentives are part of the same hemisphere .
8 If it is in isostatic equilibrium one section of lithosphere will stand higher than another because it is of lower density ( the crustal density or Pratt model ) , of the same density but thicker ( the crustal thickness or Airy model ) , or through a combination of both a lower density and greater thickness ( Fig. 2.9 ) .
9 In many cases , a material may exhibit the characteristics of both a liquid and a solid and neither of the limiting laws will adequately describe its behaviour .
10 At temperatures above 374° C and pressures above 218 atmospheres , water becomes what is known as a supercritical fluid , with some of the characteristics of both a liquid and gas , and is able to dissolve almost anything .
11 Egypt was to become shaped and then dominated by European developments of both a political and economic character .
12 Fieldwork is based in Sheffield , and is designed to gather information of both a quantitative and a qualitative nature .
13 The ensuing " false " enquiry is itself underwritten by one global assumption of both a teleological and ideological nature ; the belief that the truth of Nizan 's contingent existence is most effectively disclosed by locating the significance of his insertion within the French communist party ; that is to say , the reasons why he joined the party , the image that he created of himself and of the party whilst he was a member , and the reasons why he left the party .
14 The previous chapter and the present one have examined in detail the operation of both a fixed and a floating exchange rate system .
15 Recognizing that selecting the fabric according to the house was producing outstanding results , Laura encouraged Jane Clifford to oversee the decoration of both a four-storey Victorian London house and a Cotswold stone farmhouse .
16 ‘ Clogging ’ of these stents by material comparable with the one seen in plastic stents has not been seen , probably because of both a larger diameter of the lumen and the nature of the stent 's inner lining after re-epithelialisation .
17 A considerable quantity of data was collected and use was made of both a main frame and a desk top machine .
18 What this suggests is that despite valid criticism of their pretensions as theoretical perspectives , the notion of both a dominant ideology and a false consciousness do have at least some place in a theory of ideology .
19 The lack of both a coastal strategy for Wales and strategic mechanisms for delivering it , is highlighted in paragraph 3.11 of the draft PPG Note .
20 The objections are of both a constitutional and a financial nature .
21 The puzzles will be of both a theoretical and experimental nature .
22 A number of objections of both a theoretical and normative nature can be raised against the model and the policy prescriptions that flow from it .
23 The year of grace is found in Saxon documents of both a royal and civil nature at this time , in the term ab incarnatione , sometimes supplementing and sometimes replacing dating by indiction — of which more later .
24 This obviously creates the overall impression of both a bass line and chords within a single part .
25 It should be noted that the Directive applies to trades , businesses and professions of both a public and a private nature , so that state owned enterprises are included within its ambit .
26 THE Treasury has asked Government departments , before the forthcoming spending round , to calculate the effects of both a 2.5 per cent and a 5 per cent cut in their budgets , say Whitehall sources .
27 But a closer examination of both the morphological and structural evidence shows that this model is inadequate .
28 The production of both the procoagulant TNF α and the potent vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 by perivascular macrophages will contribute powerfully towards thrombosis in this situation .
29 In conversations which involve speakers of both the first and second generations it is mainly the behaviour of the second generation speakers which is of interest , for it is these individuals who have " stylistic mobility " between London English and Creole and can be assumed to be using the two codes differentially ( though not necessarily consciously ) in a strategic way .
30 This system takes care of both the necessary accounting and authorising messages .
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