Example sentences of "[prep] about the time " in BNC.

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1 And the T U C to launch a nationwide campaign probably September October time to tie with the Chancellor 's autumn statement , for a mass rally in London for about the time of the autumn statement .
2 From about the time of the invention of red-figure some black-figure vases are given a white slip covering the orange clay .
3 An old market stance will yield Comparatively recent ones such as pennies and groats from about the time of William IV .
4 Many go back more than a decade — to about the time when massive asbestosis judgments first started to trigger claims against insurance policies written in the 1950s .
5 Direct light came onto the sill and jambs of the embrasure at about the time when the noises of wheels and voices from the street were at their loudest .
6 At about the time the new clock was commissioned , I became seriously ill with a heart condition , and it proved not possible to undertake the extensive research required to faithfully replicate the old clock .
7 This was conducted by Sir Edmund Compton and as a result of his report the Treasury Solicitor 's office lost a considerable amount of its advisory work ( which it has since regained ) at about the time Ware became Treasury Solicitor in 1971 .
8 The total amount of growth hormone that is secreted per day increases to a maximum at about the time of puberty and is partially responsible for the growth spurt that is seen at about this time .
9 The agency has plans to launch a second craft in April 1994 , at about the time that the first satellite reaches the end of its operational life .
10 A century later , at about the time that Otto I was crowned Holy Roman Emperor ( 962 ) , he sent a mission ( albeit unsuccessful ) to Princess Olga of Kiev .
11 He also noted that it was at about the time when Prince Albert , the Prince Consort , opened the Royal College of Chemistry , the precursor to Imperial College , that he also opened the new Grimsby dock .
12 Minnelli had seen Jack while studying the film Psych-Out for some lighting effects at about the time he was in the pre-production stage .
13 At about the time when Becquerel was working on the radiation from uranium , G. T. Beatson , a surgeon in Glasgow , observed that the inoperable breast cancers of three patients underwent regression after he had removed their ovaries .
14 Oligodendrocytes appear at about the time of birth and the astrocyte a week later .
15 At about the time of the exhibition , it emerged that the firm was infringing the Medlock patent .
16 EVOLVING humanoids grew more intelligent at about the time they began using tools to hunt ; this finding has encouraged anthropologists to speculate that it was tool use that made intelligence particularly adaptive .
17 This led him to investigate in more detail the effect of alcohol on chromosome segregation at about the time of conception , and its effects on early development of the mouse embryo in vivo .
18 Others began to react badly to various chemicals at about the time they developed candidiasis .
19 This information fits logically with other known factors which occurred at about the time that people began this transition , observed Harris , including spreading village life and a rapid increase in the human population .
20 He concluded that ‘ a mandate is a mandate and that she will derive real strength from having overcome so tough a challenge ’ , a stirring endorsement , weakened only by Thatcher 's withdrawal from the contest at about the time the column reached the chattering classes ' breakfast tables .
21 Shortly after my fourth birthday we moved to a village in Somerset with my father 's employer , a retired lawyer , a bachelor , whose household was presided over by a sister-in-law whose husband had died at about the time of my birth .
22 Whatever the exact mechanism for U/Pb fractionation , it seems to occur at shallow depths in the mantle at about the time of formation of the local oceanic lithosphere .
23 At about the time he started , DPR was working to get its AEs more " revved up " .
24 It is known that he and she spoke on the telephone at about the time the power of attorney was executed .
25 Mary had begun to visit her regularly on Friday mornings — with Mr Fenton 's express approval and the Christian support of her mother — when she was about fourteen — at about the time her father had begun to use her in the Fish and Budworth had turned up to sketch his mischief .
26 Penda 's presence in the environs of Cirencester against the kings of the Gewisse , at about the time he became king of the Mercians , provides a glimpse of how advanced this process was even by the early seventh century .
27 Wilfrid 's dealings with Aethelwealh were at about the time of Aethelwealh 's involvement in Kent in support of Eadric when a new southern Saxon hegemony extending from Wight into Kent could conceivably have challenged the existing political map of south-east England .
28 If this reconstruction is sound , Oswiu 's encounter with Fín occurred at about the time that he may have been seeking Irish support against the forces of Penda .
29 The typical Marshall microscope had gold stamps to decorate the tube and a fine focus , but did not have a substage mirror , which was introduced by Edmund Culpeper [ q.v. ] at about the time of Marshall 's death .
30 Housing advice centres were coming into existence at about the time that the first law centre was being opened , and it is not unrealistic to attribute their inception to the generally increased awareness of the need for advice services .
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