Example sentences of "[prep] him all the " in BNC.

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1 Peter has now been transferred to the Aylestone Day Centre in Hereford , where he has volunteer helpers looking after him all the time .
2 he 's , he 's thinking the law 's after him all the time
3 Cos , he says I 'm I mean I will , she looks after him all the time
4 Athelstan promised he would do something to help her and left quietly , the cope still round his shoulders , Crim jumping up and down in front of him all the way back to the church .
5 . She said when she comes to kiss me good goodnight I let her kiss here but she said I ca n't have her cuddling me or she said I think of him all the time .
6 He had to have the case near him all the time , to keep an eye on the lifesign meters .
7 We 'd hang out with him all the time .
8 Smallfry walked with him all the way to the playground , where the other children bunched together in little groups to stare at the absentee and his beautiful mother .
9 The feeling of that moment stayed with him all the way back home to 81st .
10 But this young one , a very spiritual guy , like a leftover from The Deer Hunter with a black headband and black jersey , said he wanted to shoo these journalists ; he had a revolver with him all the time , he is licensed to kill and he says he 'd shoot them if they came near , and I said ‘ No , please do n't do that , I 'll get in more trouble , ’ and he said , ‘ I ‘ ll just hit them in the knee . ’
11 I stayed with him all the evening .
12 This time he would take Eliza with him all the way to her brother 's homestead at Yarrundi , so he could be sure of being in the area for at least three months .
13 ‘ Do you go with him all the time ? ’ asked Jessica .
14 The Life of Edward the Confessor , written some fifty years later , claims that when she was pregnant with him all the men of England took an oath to accept the child as king should it be a boy , while the Norman Inuentio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni of c.1053-4 alleges that he was anointed and consecrated king as a boy .
15 He 's coping very well , he knows that we are with him all the way , and he knows that we love him , and he 's worried about the children and myself , but he was coping very well .
16 ‘ The potential for what he became must have been in him all the time . ’
17 As I said God did n't leave it like that , because God did in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves , you see you and I at times we felt that I , I want to be different from that and we , and we pushed against one of these pressures and so that we pushed it out a wee bit , but as we 've pushed there it 's come back in somewhere else and as we 've stopped pushing and we 've gone to another bit so that first that has become , has come back as it was and we spend our lives perhaps running around trying to get the circle back again , it 's an impossible task , we ca n't do it , we spend our whole lives in the frustration things and we , and we start blaming on things , if only that situation was different , if only those circumstances were different , but it 's far , far , far more fundamental than that and we 've got ta come to the place where we say well I ca n't do any thing about it , I 've tried my hardest , but I ca n't do it , and that 's where God comes and says hang on a minute I 'll do it for you and that 's what he did in Jesus Christ , he did for us what we could n't do for ourselves , the bible tells us that Christ is the perfect image of God , it 's in Colossians one fifteen and just er full verses further on in verse nineteen it says in him all the fullness of God , in Jesus , all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and so in Christ God 's son , God dealt with the problem of sin which had caused that twisting and that warping and that distortion , your life and in my life , that which spoiled his image in us he created us in his image , but you 've only got to look at people today , you 've only got to look at ourselves , see , where is the image of God , is that what God is like , jealous , filled with anger , bitterness , envy , is that what God is like , unclean thinking , is that what God is like that 's not his image , but he created us in his image perfect and what Jesus Christ did on the cross , is to restore that image , that original image in you and me , to recreate us in the image of God , so in
18 According to legend he once ate a plate of raw Troll meat which is regenerating within him all the time .
19 He smiled and began to climb the slope again , slowly , looking about him all the while , his eyes taking in the ruins , the distant , cloud-wreathed mountains , the two horses grazing just below them .
20 She talked about him all the way home .
21 I do n't know what I 'm going to think about if I 'm not going to worry about him all the time .
22 But I think about him all the time .
23 Sorry for him all the time .
24 ‘ It looks bad for him all the same , ’ she said .
25 He had been uncharacteristically relaxed and jovial during the meal , which had both surprised and pleased Cleo , who 'd anticipated having to apologise for him all the time .
26 But also , he has available to him all the vast resources of libraries which can provide him with books , pamphlets , research reports , theses , journals , conference reports , and so on .
27 He did n't know how to cope with someone who was nice to him all the time because all the other people that he knew best ( including his parents ) had always been unkind to him .
28 He compounded this appalling error of judgement by standing up to applaud the winners , a misguided attempt at gallantry which resulted in me trying to run out of the stadium and refusing to talk to him all the way home .
29 I would n't speak to him all the evening , or look at the things he 'd bought , even though I could see one of them was a picture-frame .
30 John Hay , seeing Johnson 's fear , talked to him all the time as to a child , trying to keep him cheerful , but this measure only excited Boswell 's scorn , especially when he heard Hay trying to distract Johnson with the antics of the local goats .
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