Example sentences of "[prep] her [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 She saw herself wheeled along white corridors , wired up to huge machines that clicked , whirred , and flashed lights : this was her greatest fear , that she might be kept alive artificially by machinery , a mumbling vegetable , after her natural time to die had arrived .
2 But when their parent can no longer be left alone and they decide , as many of them do , to leave work in order to care for her full time , their major problems begin .
3 From then on the film is a partially credible but increasingly fantastic documentation of the relationship between the two which develops as she teaches him to read during her spare time .
4 Larissa , 40 , became a teacher so that she would have more time with her children , but she spends most of her spare time in queues .
5 She was not unduly concerned about the murdered woman but was reminded that Camille spent much of her spare time slouching along the canal banks , sometimes in company , sometimes , she greatly feared , alone .
6 FOR 25 years Marjorie MacRae has devoted much of her spare time to the teaching of Scottish country dancing .
7 Much of her spare time is spent acting as secretary to her husband , who is Deputy President ( Technical ) of the B.A.G.A. The rare weekend not taken up with Medau or Gymnastics sees them both actively pursuing their other hobby — rambling !
8 Much of her spare time is taken up acting as Paul 's secretary for gymnastics with the occasional game of badminton and tennis thrown in !
9 Slightly bemused , she realised that the businesslike urgency appeared to be entirely on her side , in spite of the earlier impression that he knew how busy she must be , that he had no wish to waste any of her valuable time
10 As a woman who is young in years by our own standards but who is thought old by those of her own time .
11 She gave much of her own time to helping those encountering problems with their studies through individual tuition at her home , frequently during the summer months in preparation for autumn courses .
12 So Johnny had been afforded a glimpse of her own time , had he ?
13 For as long as she could remember , her hair had been kept in a short no-nonsense style that would n't require any of her precious time to look after it .
14 Fortunately she had become interested in the art and history of the city and spent most of her free time visiting galleries , museums and churches .
15 Paula spent most of her free time alone , window shopping , visiting News Theatres , where she sometimes watched the programme of cartoons twice round , and drinking endless cups of Espresso coffee in cafés and coffee houses .
16 She spends much of her free time with boyfriend Andy , 23 , who works as a forklift truck driver .
17 It was after this that Mrs Kelsall , a midwifery sister and joint team leader , embarked on a project that was to take up most of her free time for the next two years .
18 Then , it had added another stamp of ‘ difference ’ on a child whose father rarely appeared in the family home and who spent most of her free time in the company of paid supervisors .
19 A devoutly religious person , she has arranged for our interview to take place in the church where she spends much of her free time , in advance of today 's Good Friday service .
20 Most of her free time was spent in Water Gypsy 's main cabin , reliving the memories it held for her .
21 So Vaughan contented herself with training as a nurse and avidly reading food books in her spare time .
22 After going to Sheffield University she worked in a London store and trained to be a pilot in her spare time .
23 The floor was crowded with cardboard boxes that were filled with leaflets for the Literacy Project that Ellen helped in her spare time .
24 In her spare time Deborah , who was based in Tyneside for the TGWU , enjoyed rock climbing and cycling .
25 Her partners agreed to this unorthodox therapy on condition that it was done in her spare time and she produced an audit after a year .
26 I thought for a moment that she had been re-reading " Das Kapital " in her spare time , but I suspect that it was all a charade .
27 In her spare time she managed to complete her Master of Education degree , writing a thesis on African education .
28 In her spare time she makes and decorates cakes of different shapes and sizes for all occasions .
29 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
30 In her spare time she writes .
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