Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] might " in BNC.

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1 Interruptions in her employment experience , reductions in her mobility and labour market bargaining power are all ways in which family responsibilities reduce women 's pay below what it might have been .
2 But many interviews carried out in social research are of samples of what we might call ‘ ordinary ’ people — people who have characteristics , opinions and knowledge of a much more general nature .
3 It must also be remembered that the working life of what we might regard as identical batteries tends to vary .
4 Originally 254cm ( 100in ) and since made at 3/4 size 198cm ( 78in ) , the Spinoff also contributed to the arrival of what we might call third generation stunters by its eventual introduction of stand-off struts .
5 Instead of what we might call a vertical analysis of society — one which builds upon a single kind of term — Althusser attributes a horizontal analysis to Marx .
6 In this respect , however , Reynolds 's Newspaper had devised an interesting prototype of what we might nowadays call ‘ anomie theory ’ , arguing that crime was an inevitable result of the system of distribution of wealth and opportunity .
7 Since many associates who were not blood relations often assumed the surname but between them could muster only a limited number of Christian names , confusion was avoided by the bestowal of what we might call a nickname , or what has been more justly described as a ‘ toname ’ .
8 He , too , is constrained in his interpretation by past similar experience , by interpreting in the light of what we might call the principle of analogy .
9 Whereas in many cases this is only one dimension , albeit an important one , in the case of what we might call theoretical ideology it constitutes the main organizing principle .
10 We certainly do n't want to do without it if others have it , for fear of what we might be missing , but if we all gave it up — Mr Vansitart , because the human race has invented TV does n't mean we have to put up with it .
11 Finally , it is worth pointing out that , if my account of neoteny in man is correct , even the relatively ego-less citizen of the totalitarian state is the possessor of what we might term the neurophysiological substrate of the ego and the superego , which almost certainly comprises some of the most recently acquired elements of the human brain .
12 I 'd be much more impressed by some positive suggestions of what we might do cos I th you know , months ago I was browbeaten outside church over a lot of similar issues and I said then , you know
13 Ironically enough , Rameau was among the most resourceful and imaginative composers of his time in his treatment of the orchestra , and the least in need of what we might call d'Indification .
14 Hall and Davidoff have studied Victorian domestic ideology ; they have shown the importance of that ideology to an understanding of what we might now consider to be a " natural " division between public and private spheres based on a supposedly " natural " division between the sexes .
15 But those wo n't , er if we were to take cashing those in now , it would be probably taking half of what we might get for them in the future , and from a business proposition , there is a time , when even if you have money in the bank , there are times , when it would be very advantageous to take long term interest rates , at low interest rates , and I think er er this is er perhaps the best opportunity that we have .
16 I honestly had no idea of what they might be thinking or what to make of it myself .
17 Clearly some very large forces have disrupted the outer regions of the Solar System at some stage , or stages , in the past , but we have no idea of when or of what they might have been .
18 Therese said , ‘ Mon petit , the people who talk do n't matter , I was n't thinking of them , I was thinking of your mother , of what they might be saying about her . ’
19 I had felt all my life that lavatory and bedroom doors should be kept firmly shut , for fear of what they might reveal .
20 Her tone made it clear that if he wished , coffee was only the beginning of what they might have time for .
21 Alan was well aware of his own gifts and of what they might lead him to become , but I am not sure he entirely welcomed his role as a leader of lesser men .
22 The thought of what they might even now be doing to Ruggiero Miletti took the sparkle and warmth out of the morning and made Zen realize how exhausted he was .
23 Nevertheless , if we are ever to make new discoveries about intonation , it will be as a result of studying what people actually say rather than inventing examples of what they might say .
24 These penalties , to be sure , fell far short of what she might have expected for speaking out in Stalin 's Russia , which she had continued to admire for far longer than many people .
25 She did not begin to think of what she might say to Kathleen .
26 Picking Benny up gently he cradled his head in his lap , conscious of his-mother standing in the garden , her hand over her mouth as if terrified of what she might find .
27 But still , for week after week , she never dared see if she was right , because she was afraid of what she might find within .
28 He wanted to tell her the whole story then , but he was afraid of what she might think .
29 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
30 ‘ Perhaps Mistress Hopkins was murdered simply because of what she might know . ’
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