Example sentences of "[prep] all the work " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure the Hague Linker needed a new needle after all the work it had done .
2 And the amount of help you get the day before your exams -the same morning I turned round to Hilary after all the work she 'd done with me and said , " I 'm going to fail , I 'm not doing it . "
3 She had known as soon as they had arrived at the lodge that her heart had made the right decision , even though it felt irresponsible and utterly childish to be spending a summer like this , at her age , and after all the work she had done to put the initials MD after her name .
4 To disturb them after all the work that has been done would be a disaster . ’
5 ‘ To disturb them after all the work that has been done over many years would be a disaster . ’
6 Forearm training is frequently omitted because of all the work the forearms do while training other body parts .
7 During this period he remained in regular touch with his Russian controller , giving him details of all the work he handled .
8 The estimated cost of all the work was £10085 and the actual cost £12000 .
9 Back with Miss Maine I was shown what was thought to be the trickiest of all the work I must do .
10 In spite of all the work done by Ludwig Prandtl and his colleagues , it was a daring step to commit the resources of the mighty Germania yards , in early 1924 , to install two metal cylinders more than 12 m tall on the elegant schooner Buckau , so soon after the idea had ignited Flettner 's imagination in 1921 .
11 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
12 I was thinking of all the work I needed to do on Masquerade ; all the painstaking hours of sawing and planing and caulking and rigging .
13 However , in the preparation of final-year seminar papers and dissertations , or if you continue on at college as a research student , you will need to find out details of all the work that others have already carried out in the field in which you are interested .
14 The teacher tutors took responsibility for the development of all the work of the classes concerned ( fourth and fifth year ) .
15 When , when you left was there any sort of erm did you get a send-off or any sort of recognition of all the work you 've done or anything ?
16 He was most insistent that this exercise , like all the work of HMG 's Statistical Office , was strictly non-political .
17 How about all the work you do must bring you right up against a lot of raw emotion .
18 if we sort through all the work sheets we 've got we might find you know
19 I would like to thank Miss Freda Scott , Voluntary Services Organiser , for all the work she has done to promote my books , and I look forward to resuming concerts at Ruchill Hospital and elsewhere .
20 Di wrote to her after the ceremony thanking her for all the work she had done for fellow cancer sufferers and for raising £40,000 towards the centre .
21 The club exists as a reinforcement for all the work already being done by the RFU youth development team , the counties , the rugby clubs and schools .
22 But if we demand to be paid for it , if we demand Wages for Housework from the State , we are saying first of all that housework is work … we are saying that we women need money of our own — if we were n't forced to depend on men for money , we would n't have to put their needs before ours , to service them sexually , physically , emotionally … we say TO BRING UP CHILDREN IS WORK and we want a WAGE for all the work we do — whether cleaning offices OR homes , producing electrical parts OR babies .
23 But he soon realized that he was leaving himself too little time for all the work he had to complete , and a regular routine of three days in London ( generally from Tuesday to Thursday ) and four days at Shamley Green was established instead .
24 Dr before we pass to other business , I would like to thank you very much indeed for all the work that the very small size panel on doctrine has carried out for the good of the assembly and the work of the church .
25 There should have been plenty of time for all the work we planned , but what with all the delays of getting the assay going in an unfamiliar lab , as well as making a quick canter round a dozen or so Australian campuses to give seminars , it was n't until almost the last few days of my visit , during a long car journey through the outback to attend a biochemistry congress at Brisbane , that I managed to decode and assemble all the data .
26 In his report , the Chairman Reg Simmons thanked the retiring committee for all the work they had done .
27 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
28 I take this opportunity to pay tribute to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for all the work that he has done in the past two and a half years to improve the future and administration of Northern Ireland .
29 not be , for all the work you do !
30 The Committee is very grateful to its Secretary , , not only for all the work she has done for the committee but also for her work for ethnic minority students seeking pupillage .
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