Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So those are the positive things about which we we all agree .
2 Mola found himself commanding difficult campaigns in northern Spain and was damaged by the Carlist connections about which he himself felt uneasy .
3 And so what we did , we ran this particular course , erm , for which we we received a fee , but it came back as expenses area , was n't under the same arrangement as the rest of it .
4 ‘ The misbehaviour of boys and girls ’ , said its report on Youth Astray in 1946 , ‘ is mainly the outcome of conditions , social , economic , and to some extent hereditary , for which they themselves can not be blame .
5 She realised that there would be no light-hearted understanding in Cramer of actions for which she herself could find no easily articulated justification .
6 The frailty of human memory is such that it is by no means uncommon for a delegate to criticize fiercely the very rule for which he himself was responsible a year or two before !
7 Their own stories had strangely interlocked , and sometimes she had a sense that such interlockings were part of a vaster network , that there was a pattern , if only one could discern it , a pattern that linked these semi-detached houses of Wanley with those in Leeds and Northam , a pattern that linked Liz 's vast house in Harley Street with the Garfield Centre towards which she herself now drove .
8 Some , on leaving school , move into teacher training where they are taught how to become the operators of the system of which they themselves are the products .
9 So we 're looking for a for a separate policy in the industry employment section of the structure plan , we do not wish to see any amendment to part of E two or for that matter to Policy I five , both of which we we fully support .
10 ( Of which we something might advance )
11 Rivalry persisted through the 1860s and '70s and in 1881 Gaze produced a pamphlet which claimed that certain companies were apt to ‘ monopolise powers which are the property of all Tourist Agents , and in the development of which we ourselves have borne so important a part ’ .
12 Analogy means that the events being investigated are essentially similar in kind to those of which we ourselves have direct experience .
13 It is these that make up the matter we see today and out of which we ourselves are made .
14 This commitment grew out of profound emotional changes over which he had no control , and of which he himself perhaps had only an imperfect knowledge .
15 Lisa smiled a small smile and treated him to a taste of the kind of evasiveness of which he himself was such a master .
16 I do not doubt that people in an earlier age may well have thought in terms of the kind of cosmic world picture in terms of which she herself thinks .
17 I had only recently heard of the existence of such places , but I gradually came to the conclusion that she was running a small brothel of which she herself was the centre of interest .
18 There were times when she did n't mind Star 's anger , times even when she deliberately provoked it , waiting with half-shameful excitement for the extra-ordinary outburst of bitterness and despair of which she herself was less a victim than a privileged spectator , relishing even more the inevitable remorse and self-incrimination , the sweetness of reconciliation .
19 Does the little old lady , the widow , the pensioner , the schoolgirl know that her precious pound is going into a ‘ management ’ meal at a five-star restaurant , the inside of which she herself could never afford in her wildest dreams ?
20 The fluency with which he himself wrote about this period was born out of a particular requirement .
21 Skaller smiled bitterly : surely he sentenced , had to sentence those who were dragged before him because of this love , for the sake of this same love with which he himself once loved — of which he knew nothing more today — which he had forgotten — or which he thought of yet only as an aberration of his youth .
22 In fact it seems more likely that Picasso felt that the Demoiselles as he decided to accept or leave it represented a truly astonishing challenge with which he himself must come to terms ; obviously if he had been dissatisfied with the look of the painting he would not have left it as it is , and it has been argued that the stylistic discrepancies within the painting are essential to its iconography , to the message which it is intended to convey .
23 I think I should regard me with the contempt with which I myself regard the more vulgar visitors . ’
24 I should have been in Ken Hurren 's office and now be back in my own , absorbed once again in assessing the department 's performance , noting perhaps the promptness with which I myself had channelled work to the appropriate division .
25 Using his binoculars , he watched the ball roll to within a few feet of the bunker into which he himself had dived that day when he had played with Richie , Dr. Stevie and Sir Bryan .
26 The clients get satisfaction from participation ( or , perhaps , participate as a result of their satisfaction ) , take part in a learning process which enriches them , and identify with a process in which they themselves are involved .
27 How likely is it that the other staff would volunteer information , especially about practices in which they themselves might have been involved ?
28 The scientific evidence may be lacking , but there is a colossal body of anecdotal evidence in favour of ESP — and there are few people who , in honesty , can not recall one or more instances in which they themselves have had an experience which they can explain only in terms of it .
29 In fact , several believers have done excellent sociological studies of a religion in which they themselves believe ( eg Smith , 1982 ; Hornsby-Smith , 1979 ) , or to which they converted during the course of their study ( Jules-Rosette , 1975 , or , as an example of a partial conversion followed by a withdrawal , Rochford , 1985 ) .
30 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
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