Example sentences of "[prep] which [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Neither had been able to get home for her funeral , but they had telegraphed a big wreath and paid their fair share of the undertaker 's bill , after which the letters and dollars stopped and Vi and Mary had grown even closer .
2 There is , however , a turning point between fourth and sixth parities , after which the chances of survival decrease as birth order rises .
3 Normally reproduction takes place by the union of two individuals after which the eggs are laid in a cluster on the sea bed , sometimes forming spectacularly colourful whorls or patterns .
4 The printed book is then inserted into the case by machinery and attached to the boards by gluing down the mull overlaps , after which the endpapers are pasted down to hide them .
5 AT&T Co has raised $400m with an issue of notes due May 1 1995 at par to yield 3.35% for the first year , after which the notes ' yield will float on a quarterly basis over the three-month London Interbank Offered Rate and are noncallable for life .
6 The two sides held one two-hour session late on July 31 , after which the talks were suspended .
7 Housewives were told to hand them in after they had been used in the stock pot and fed to the dog , after , after which the bones were to be washed and dried in the oven after the gas and electricity had been turned off .
8 All that is mortal of the body , except the skeleton , is devoured by vultures and the ubiquitous kitehawks of India , after which the bones of the departed fall through the grating into the tower below .
9 Intestinal mucosal strips were treated at room temperature for 30 minutes in a 1.5 mg/ml DTT solution , after which the strips were washed in Hanks 's balanced salt solution ( HBSS ) and then gently stirred in a 1 mM EDTA solution for two periods of 60 minutes to release the epithelial cells .
10 Common to all experiments was that the stomachs were perfused with ethanol is saline for 30 minutes , after which the rats were divided into two groups .
11 Hybridisation was carried out at 54°C in 80% formamide after which the products were digested at 25°C for 2 hours using 100u of S1 nuclease and analysed by fractionation on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel .
12 The unheated samples had Cr/Ct ( Gransch and Eisma 1970 ) ratios of approximately 0.75 between VR 0.4 and 0.8 , after which the ratios rapidly increased reaching 0.9 by VR 2.9 ( Fig. 2 ) .
13 This is followed by a summer vacation course , after which the students can normally join the second-year course and graduate in the usual way at the end of four years .
14 " The Chairman called upon Mr. Hector Macfadyen to read his Essay on " Heredity " after which the Members in rotation were requested to express their mind on the subject .
15 ‘ In this way ’ he declared in 1895 , ‘ they would do a thousand times more good than by denouncing Roman Catholics , Unitarians or anyone else. , There were united missionary services and neighbourhood ‘ visitations ’ after which the names of those visited were passed on to a minister of their denomination .
16 A built-up surround will have to be dismantled piece by piece , but with the other types , you can chop away the plaster just next to the surround until you find the brackets , after which the screws can be undone ( or the brackets sawn through ) and the fireplace surround levered away from the wall with a crowbar .
17 After which the losers in the employment lottery would be popped into the revolving door .
18 The hymn : ‘ Pleasant are Thy courts above ’ was sung , after which the lessons were read by the Reverend C S Laird .
19 These pipes stretching thinly in a bridge across the service road injected a mix of chemicals into the walls of the furnace itself ; did I know that fuel was only used in the start-up process , after which the chemicals themselves provided the fire ?
20 Hatching of eggs and development to L3 is complete within two weeks during the summer in temperate areas , after which the larvae migrate from the faeces on to the surrounding herbage .
21 And on the night of the final reaping , there 's a great harvest supper , after which the men would stay guard around the great heaps of grain which were ready to winnowed early the following morning .
22 The completed report cards were then passed on to the SCC for discussion , after which the details would be forwarded to either the association of SCCs ( covering a wider area than a single school ) , the ASEA , or to some other agency , such as the Girls ' Friendly Society , the Metropolitan Society for Befriending Young Servants or the Recreational Evening Schools Association .
23 There was steady light drizzle and virtually no wind but the ebb carried them comfortably down the channel to the first turn in front of the clubhouse , after which the doldrums set in .
24 The same principle meant that in theory , too , there was no subject about which the broadcasters might not make a programme , if they judged it right .
25 ‘ The body about which the planets rotate , ninety-three million miles from the earth and eight hundred and forty-four thousand miles in diameter , is bright today . ’
26 It does not feature in the textbooks on the subject ( apart from a sentence in one book about which the judges made an immense fuss ) .
27 He consulted a succession of popes on marriage law , on priestly mores , on ordinations , on liturgy , on whether nuns might wash each other 's feet , and on the eating of bacon fat , the last a subject about which the Fathers had remained curiously silent .
28 It would be nice if the conference were preceded by an agreement on Cyprus — about which the Turks could usefully be more accommodating than they have been so far — but the conference should not depend on that , any more than the Helsinki one needed a prior agreement on the unification of Germany .
29 The Greeks spent several centuries under the heel of the Ottoman empire , which allowed them no form of self-government except in church matters ( about which the Turks were on the whole remarkably liberal ) .
30 These are matters about which the auditors will ultimately have to reach a decision .
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