Example sentences of "[prep] which the other " in BNC.

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1 It takes up to two months to complete , after which the other stages can be run in parallel .
2 The best method is to begin at the fainter of the two Pointers ( Agena , or Beta Centauri ) and extend a line from it through Alpha Trianguli Australe ; prolonged for far enough this will lead to Alpha Pavonis in the Peacock , after which the other Birds can be sorted out .
3 I think this construction receives some indirect support from subsection ( 6 ) which limits the costs which the unassisted party can recover to costs attributable to those parts of the proceedings for which the other party was in receipt of legal aid .
4 It would , as Mr. Lloyd conceded , be exercisable also in a case where no misrepresentation inducing the transaction could be pointed to but where a registered proprietor had entered into a transaction under a misapprehension for which the other party to the transaction was not responsible , a misapprehension as to the value of the property , for example .
5 There is also a remote , but possible , danger that on contentious matters with a social context , the Protocol procedure could be abused for the purpose of eliminating opposition from the UK to measures where , for example , the UK , Spain and Portugal ( a blocking minority of 23 votes ) would oppose a measure of which the other member states were in favour .
6 It will be a choice of ends , for example , even if forgotten a moment later , when he chokes back an erupting laugh at a slip by an important man , the choice being between a momentary and a long-term goal , the latter of which the other man could jeopardize .
7 More generally , however , this tort has been said to be the genus of which the other unlawful means torts ( intimidation and interference with contract and conspiracy where unlawful means are involved ) are species .
8 In no place does Bauthumley recommend the practical antinomianism of which the other Ranters were accused .
9 With the same instinct that had sent Bishop Jon , he noted , to pare his nails and perfect the glossy ring of his tonsure , he on the eve of battle came cleansed from a hot bath : the ritual laugardagr observed once a week by his fore-fathers , of which the other Bishop John in far-off Bremen would so have disapproved .
10 For a time it provided an umbrella beneath which the other organisations came together .
11 She had moved up the shop , between the assortment of hats perched on stands and to the counter behind which the other two sisters were standing , the tall spare-looking Miss Rene and the almost diminutive Miss Florence .
12 While some might see in all this nothing more than economic fulfilment , the ultimate political goal , with which the other four signatories were more in sympathy , was already implicit in the Rome Treaty 's preamble with its desire ‘ to establish the foundations of an even closer union among the European peoples ’ .
13 [ 1984 ] A.C. 754 , 768 , per Lord Roskill ; the same view was expressed by Lord Templeman , at p. 776 , in the course of a speech with which the other members of the Appellate Committee expressed their agreement .
14 In support of that argument he produced no less an authority than the speech of Lord Bridge of Harwich , with which the other members of the House of Lords agreed , in Cocks v. Thanet District Council [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 286 .
15 ‘ Firstly , on the basis of the passage from Lord Bridge 's speech in Cocks v. Thanet District Council , with which the other four members of the Judicial Committee agreed , it is clearly the case that , having made their decision on 24 June 1983 [ viz that she was homeless , in priority need , and not intentionally homeless ] the council came under a statutory duty to secure that accommodation became available .
16 The speech of Lord Lowry , with which the other members of their Lordships ' House agreed , is a salutary reminder that the protection from action in the ordinary courts which is conferred on local authorities and others by the rule in O'Reilly v. Mackman must not be carried too far .
17 in his judgment , with which the other members of the court agreed , said , at p. 237 :
18 As to this , Watkins L.J. , in a judgment with which the other members of the court agreed , said , at p. 82 :
19 It is , however , clear that their Lordships in Reg. v. Morris did not regard anything said in that case as conflicting with Reg. v. Lawrence for it was specifically referred to in Lord Roskill 's speech , with which the other members of the [ Appellate ] Committee all agreed , without disapproval or qualification .
20 It is , however , clear that their Lordships in Reg. v. Morris did not regard anything said in that case as conflicting with Reg. v. Lawrence for it was specifically referred to in Lord Roskill 's speech , with which the other members of the Judicial Committee all agreed , without disapproval or qualification .
21 Bhd. v. Non-Metallic Mineral Products Manufacturing Employees Union [ 1981 ] A.C. 363 , I would now follow the opinion of Lord Diplock in In re A Company [ 1981 ] A.C. 374 , 382–383 ( with which Lord Keith of Kinkel agreed ) and in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 , 278 ( with which the other members of the Appellate Committee agreed .
22 But a dull flush was creeping up her neck , and colouring her cheeks , and she felt furious with herself for the tell-tale signs of insecurity , for the ease with which the other girl had succeeded in humiliating her …
23 Although the Commissioners from the counties required to be possessed of a freehold within the county which they represented , there was no necessity after the Union for a person who represented the City of Edinburgh , or any of the fourteen Districts into which the other burghs were divided , to be possessed of any property within the burgh .
24 In particular , freedom to teach and to conduct research are often mentioned in the same phrase , as if the authority by which an academic engages in the one activity is exactly the same as the authority under which the other activity is undertaken .
25 Beyond professional specialization , and beyond the internal class division within social forms of cultural production , there is this ultimately controlling form of ownership and management , within which the other forms have to operate .
26 But he was present at a hearing in which the other witness identified one of the pictures as the assailant .
27 In support of this submission he relied on the recent decision of the House of Lords in Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte T. C. Coombs & Co. [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 283 , 302F where the House of Lords held , in the words of Lord Lowry who gave the leading judgment in which the other Lords of Appeal concurred , that
28 If Frankie , like David Bowie before them , suggest that the most ‘ natural ’ of rock 's meanings , its ‘ raunchiness ’ , is just another ( and rather dreary ) pose — a pose in which the other boys in the band are , ironically , trapped — women are still excluded from the fun .
29 The carts in which the other members of the three households were riding had been forced to take a longer route to the spot .
30 This is a powerful department , partly because of its responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the company but also because it controls the language and format in which the other functions draw up their expenditure plans and report progress against them .
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