Example sentences of "[prep] which the new " in BNC.

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1 The American War of Independence and the French Revolution marked a turning point after which the new meaning became universal , Britain excepted .
2 Kassem failed to win international support for his claim and was deterred from pursuing it militarily by the swift dispatch of British and Arab League forces to Kuwait [ see pp. 18187-90 ; 18355 ; 18934 ] ; he was toppled in a bloody Baath-Nationalist coup in 1963 , after which the new Iraqi government recognized Kuwaiti sovereignty [ see p. 19668 ] .
3 In such cases the animal is living in its past , a past about which the new owner knows little or nothing .
4 In order to gain a deeper insight into the emergence of socialist realism in interwar France , it is clearly necessary to examine the significance of the 1934 Soviet Writers ' Congress during which the new literary ideology was officially consecrated .
5 This mysterious Shinto rite , during which the new Emperor communed with Amaterasu Omikami , the Sun Goddess , by tradition marked the Emperor 's final attainment of divine status .
6 Several airframes had to be placed into store to allow for a less cramped-looked and these left via the small side door through which the new exhibits arrived — witness the tight fit of the HS.125 that was squeezed in on June 28 .
7 Expressing disappointment at the decision to dissolve the Royal Commission , for which the new Advisory Council would be no substitute , Heath contended that such a serious outcome could have been avoided if , after the resignation of the initial six members , the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary had said firmly that they would appoint others to take their place .
8 The first Congress for which the new leadership was responsible was held in Torquay in 1983 .
9 On the grandiose plane of a general strike or revolution against a Labour government it was sheer nonsense , though much more dangerous in Germany , the country for which the new strategy had apparently been devised .
10 Their Lordships also had to look after half-a-dozen Caribbean islands , of which the newest , Jamaica , was much the largest and looked like providing the best prospects for the future .
11 The latter was not only unquestionably the most powerful state on earth , but it contained a large , wealthy and powerful Jewish community with which the new Jewish state could build a relationship .
12 The satisfaction with which the new prayer book was received and used quickly resulted in a request that the Burmese hymn book should be revised and enlarged , and I was asked to be the editor and secretary of the small revision committee .
13 The publication of Antiracism : an assault on education and value , the book of essays edited by Frank Palmer ( 1987 ) , confirmed the fact that the school has become the principal element in the ideology with which the new right have sought to attack antiracism .
14 Singer was an enthusiastic supporter of the concept of the United Synagogue ; he moved easily within the world of wealth with which the New West End was associated , enjoyed the friendship of the Rothschild family , and acquired an unrivalled reputation as a preacher of great power and eloquence .
15 Of the 23% who did not approve of the devolution , some commented on the speed with which the new system had been introduced and of the lack of opportunity for staff development ; others were concerned that localised development meant duplication of effort .
16 In fact , he totally underestimated the difficulties he would have to face : in the 18 months since the APB was set up , the economic climate and spectacular corporate failures such as BCCI and Maxwell have left the public baying for auditors ' blood , and , although there has been a honeymoon period — somewhat extended recently by publication of the McFarlane Report — the pressure under which the new body has had to work has been intense .
17 Bowing to the logic we have suggested here ( UX Nos 381 , 384 ) , Silicon Graphics Inc will take a 10% stake in Control Data Systems , and NEC Corp may take a 5% stake to seal a deal under which the new company will commit to NEC 's versions of the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC .
18 The answer is in s35 of the Limitation Act 1980 under which the new claim dates back to when the original writ was issued but not so as to defeat a limitation defence although the court can exercise discretion under s33 or RSC Ord 15 , r6(6) which says that no one shall be added as a party after limitation unless the court directs that the period should not apply .
19 One aspect of this is the environment within which the new business operates .
20 It is not enough to have a new idea ; the discoverer has to know the field within which the new idea is to be applied , so that he can evaluate its significance , and test the worth of the new insight .
21 Erm are we agreed er wi with Mr I address this question really to Mr that this really means identification of a district within which the new settlement should be located .
22 The explosives handling jetty at Coulport , on Loch Long , will provide a shelter within which the new Vanguard-class submarines will load their Trident missiles and torpedoes under cover both from the weather and overflying spy satellites .
23 Other superstitions relating to the weather concern the day of the week upon which the new Moon chances to fall .
24 The Paris museum was a centre of both research and passionate debate over the principles upon which the new science should be built .
25 One foundation upon which the new studies could be built was the Humboldtian search for the geographical factors that limited the distribution of particular species .
26 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
27 To read Gregory of Tours ' History of the Franks or Bede 's of the English people , or a poem like Beowulf , is to experience a world in which the new and the traditional , in culture and in religion , in law and institutions , are inextricable .
28 Sympathy for the predicament in which the New Bradwell folk thought themselves to be , spread round the district .
29 Another way in which the new narrative extends the range of traditional realism is by re-creating modes of spoken speech , not for reasons of costumbrism or authenticity , but to portray a society through the way in which it expresses itself orally .
30 Within two months they had made a first attempt to get a suitable building site — part of the field in which the new Presbyterian School was to be built .
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