Example sentences of "[prep] which the [num] " in BNC.

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1 After the church service , a reception was held at the Lesser Town Hall , Airdrie after which the one week honeymoon was spent touring Scotland .
2 He then joined his brother at the Brighton works of the London , Brighton and South Coast Railway from 1871 to 1875 , working under the direction of William Stroudley [ q.v. ] , after which the two brothers moved to the North British Railway works at Cowlairs and in 1882 to the neighbouring works at St Rollox of the Caledonian Railway , where Peter was appointed assistant locomotive engineer and works manager .
3 The plant had been criticized as being " in very poor condition " by an IAEA inspection in 1991 , after which the two oldest reactors had been shut down [ see pp. 38350-51 ] .
4 The draft 1991 budget presented by Finance Minister Theo Waigel on Nov. 14 required spending cuts of DM35,000 million ( US$23,645 million ) , after which the 1991 public-sector deficit was still calculated to rise dramatically to DM140,000 million or 5 per cent of GNP .
5 The airlines then sued the Australian Federation of Air Pilots ( AFAP ) and individual pilots , after which the 1,647 pilots employed by the two companies resigned en masse on Aug. 23 .
6 The rain having petered out for a while , we all went out to stare at the sunset , about which the two poets made lurid remarks .
7 They are able to do this because they are formed by a special type of cell division , during which the 46 chromosomes in the body cells of the father and the mother assort into 23 pairs , following which the two members of each pair segregate , so that the resulting germ cells receive only 23 chromosomes .
8 A crash-landing on the surface of the sea was carried out , during which the one unwounded member of the crew was injured , but all were safely picked up by the destroyer ‘ Camicia Nere ’ .
9 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
10 So it went on for two long hours during which the thousands present learned nothing about Fascism except the bravery and pertinacity of its young adherents in dealing with this very perilous situation . "
11 He would be the means through which the Seven would be destroyed ; not as Berdichev had imagined , from without , but from within .
12 He could just make out the greens , the fairways and the dunes through which the three dozen surviving professionals would toil tomorrow in search of their own Golden Fleece .
13 It even contains advice on the avoidance of wake turbulence and on glider- or banner-towing , for which the 207 can be equipped with a hook/release mechanism .
14 The smaller the change the longer is the time for which the two solutions remain close , but they never do so indefinitely .
15 This , perhaps , made us feel that here in this sunlit place serenity bore a deeper meaning , it was the peace for which the thousands lying here had given their lives .
16 Of course , the price and income range varied , and so with it did the ‘ life-style ’ — a term for which the Fifties were still groping .
17 For the current purpose , demonstrating that they were different is sufficient to illustrate two main points : that understanding a place involves uncovering the multivariate and inter-related nature of its culture , for which the three components of the schema in chapter 3 provide a valuable framework ; and that without understanding the nature of a place in all its complexity , it is difficult to appreciate what happens there during particular events — simple , monocausal explanations ( often located in the sphere of production ) are usually insufficient .
18 Indeed , all the millions of cells that make up each one of us have been formed by a process of successive cell divisions , during each of which the 46 chromosomes were first faithfully duplicated , and then separated to form two new daughter cells .
19 This can be an advantage for that reason , particularly if the bidder already owns a significant number of shares in the target which will reduce the pool of shares in respect of which the 75 per cent or 90 per cent threshold must be achieved .
20 Even in his very early and surprisingly few organ ricercari — notably the one del 8. tono on three closely worked subjects , and the one del 10. tono ( of which the one del 9. tono is essentially a shortened version ) where a canzon theme alternates with a motive worked in almost too facile descending sequences — Giovanni enters a different world from his uncle 's ricercari ; the last traces of the ‘ instrumental motet ’ have been erased .
21 SID , the German news agency , said : ‘ At a end of a hearing of which the DLV 's legal commission was out of its depth with the case and from the start seemed to be on the side of Krabbe , Breuer and Moller , there was a scandalous ruling . ’
22 They were carried on four pairs , of which the two middle ones were fixed , whereas to move sideways in a radial direction when going round a curve , though normally they were held in a straight line with the fixed wheels by a pair of springs in compression .
23 e.g. " As late as 1911 only 59% of Britain 's adult male population ( some eight million out of a total nearing forty one million ) had the vote , and there were seven different types of franchise , of which the two major ones related to ownership or occupation of land , or of any house defined as a separate dwelling . "
24 Menem visited Paraguay on Nov. 27-28 , 1989 , for talks with President Andrés Rodríguez , at the conclusion of which the two heads of state signed a joint declaration covering economic and hydroelectric co-operation and border integration .
25 In all the antics to which our honourable member would resort to secure the publicity and the popularity needed under the STV to get himself re-elected he would be contributing to the personalization and the trivialization of politics of which the eighties saw the deplorable example set in high places .
26 The BAF Council , which will be the new governing assembly of the sport in Britain , will bring together representatives of the three English areas , the three ‘ Celtic ’ associations , and representatives of the Special Commissions , of which the three most powerful will be track and field , cross-country and road running .
27 Its culmination is the Joint Committee , as a result of which the three UK and Irish Institutes now speak with one voice on ethical issues .
28 It fully bears out both the disquiet expressed in the working party 's Report , and quoted above ; and the CDA 's dissociation of its policies from those in pursuit of which the three cases in question were projected into disaster .
29 This was prompted by the costs of war-indeed , since the renewal of the conflict with France in 1369 there had been several major fiscal exactions , of which the three poll taxes were the last .
30 the likes of which the twenty six strike was , you see , there there was no er there was no holds barred .
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