Example sentences of "[prep] those which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the early London Board schools have been replaced or altered and most of those which survive remain in use as schools .
2 The freeing of political parties in March 1990 led to the formation of numerous new parties and the emergence as official opposition of some of those which had been operating within the FNDR .
3 Mendelssohn 's C minor Trio is a highly original work , one of those which challenge the notion of his powers having declined in his later years .
4 He dismissed the small 1724 work as ‘ merely a germ of those which succeeded in folio ’ and quotes Pulteney 's assessment of the 1731 edition as ‘ the most complete body of gardening extant ’ .
5 Magistrates were told that Julie Bury left some of her animals to starve , and even failed to remove the caracasses of those which died .
6 In another way , however , it can be seen as responsibly encouraging readers to challenge for themselves cultural codes and established patterns of thought , including some of those which make contemporary history so intractable .
7 Some of those which contain Book 1 only , for example the fourteenth-century Vernon and Simeon manuscripts , include it as part of a large collection of medieval texts .
8 Of those which responded , 39% indicated they were already doing business in the market with the remaining 61% not involved .
9 The street was one of those which led into the souk and its lower end was completely blocked by stalls .
10 It is possible to add several other arguments to the list of those which focus upon the realisation of group ( a ) ( on page 16 ) National Curriculum aims .
11 The products of the repression trade may be of two types : equipment for torture , execution of those which result in ‘ cruel inhuman or degrading treatment ’ such as leg irons ; or equipment which can have an every day use , such as computers and telecommunications ( this category also includes items such as tear-gas and hand guns which can be used legitimately for law-enforcement or crime prevention ) .
12 There is a long list of greenhouse plants in no need of artificial heat and an even greater number of those which do , with an indication as to whether they require a very hot stove or moderate warmth .
13 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
14 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
15 The 21-bed Clevedon hospital near Weston-super-Mare is one of those which has been accredited .
16 This is reminiscent of the sort of inversion a fault-finding literary criticism can produce — which is not to deny , which is indeed to admit , that the Arab leaders and polemicists of the region have had their faults , including some of those which have been identified over the years by Commentary .
17 During the First World War , Radek of the Polish party and the Left abstained on national questions ; ‘ Social Democracy does not advocate either an erection of new boundary posts in Europe nor the re-erection of those which have been torn down by imperialism ’ .
18 Many of those which have wintered in the coastal seas or along the shores of Britain gather in the northern islands to complete the moult before attempting the long flight .
19 Most-if not all — of those which have survived to the present are capitalist , and operate with wealth accumulation as their driving force .
20 Of those which have been recommended or demonstrated , Pegasus Mail is used extensively within Edinburgh University , and appears to meet all of our requirements .
21 It contained a large number of royal estates : perhaps a third of those which have been identified in the Carolingian Empire .
22 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
23 In addition to those covenants mentioned by Scott LJ above examples of those which have been deemed to touch and concern the land include : a covenant for quiet enjoyment ; a covenant by the landlord agreeing to supply a housekeeper to clean a block of flats ; a covenant in which a landlord agreed not to open a public house within half a mile of the tenanted premises ; a covenant placing an obligation on the tenant to repair ; and a covenant in which the tenant agreed not to carry on a particular trade at the premises .
24 Some of those which did worse benefited from funds under France 's 1976 peri-infomatics plan .
25 Expressed one way , as we generally shall , they are of the form If a occurred , then even if any events or conditions logically consistent with a and b had also occurred , in place of those which did , b would still have occurred .
26 Under current practice , companies involved in conducting genetic experiments on animals destroy the carcasses of those which fail to incorporate the new genes under experimentation .
27 Among orthodox men of learning the biblical axiom that species are fixed entities established by God at the Creation gradually became qualified by the doctrine of plenitude , the Great Chain of Being , which declared that God , as artist creator , would necessarily have created all possible creatures in all possible worlds , and that the creatures which we now know on earth are but a fraction of those which exist in the universe .
28 If we accept the claim of Fischler and Bloom that this latter task produces effects which are more typical of those which operate in normal visual word recognition during reading , we might ask why context effects appear to operate differently in visual and auditory word recognition ?
29 Fractals , using simple mathematical algorithm to produce complex objects typical of those which occur naturally .
30 When the life expectancies of the shrimps are short then most of those which start life as males may not survive long enough to become females .
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