Example sentences of "[prep] you [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but Arthur she only takes after you for that .
2 After his death his empire could barely be sustained by the new rulers ( including Charles the Bald and Charles the Fat — is it possible to hold an empire together when the populace is taking the mickey out of you to that extent ? ) and crumbled away over a period of two centuries .
3 We do appreciate those of you for that sacrifice .
4 ‘ I was doubtful myself , ’ Maureen admitted , ‘ but I hate to think of you in that awful room .
5 Some of you from that part of the world will know that it 's a wonderful little shop , in fact it 's a gold mine and Jacqui 's going to tell me a little bit about her recipe for running that shop .
6 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
7 That 's what I want to get that number off you for that as well because I some would suggest anyway
8 They have n't stopped talking about you since that day in the pool . ’
9 And now accommodation has been provisionally reserved for you for that date .
10 selling and getting a result on that you see I 've covered a lot of stuff for you on that , I 've covered quite a bit with you on , er product knowledge , now would you say that you 're reasonably together there and where you want to be on product knowledge ?
11 People making decisions for you at that level , but the point I 'm trying to make is our society 's much more complicated and much more sophisticated now in the way that arrangements are made , the decision making for the community .
12 There 's nothing but sorrow for you along that road . "
13 If you play your cards right , your job could still be waiting for you after that . ’
14 I have a job for you in that line , nevertheless . ’
15 ‘ Preston , I was two hours waiting for you in that porch .
16 Well it would be irresponsive of me to say there 's a lesson for you in that !
17 N-not so b-bad for you in that dress . ’
18 Would you say that that the that the experience of the N U M has been a very important one f f for you in that respect ?
19 ‘ Now I know what passed between you over that cup of coffee . ’
20 I was n't even sure how far things had gone between you at that stage .
21 What passed between you on that occasion ? ’
22 Cooke said : ‘ You hate to lose a game like that , especially when it is so tight and when two decisions go against you in that manner . ’
23 Have you got your hands sort of tied up behind you in that sort of coat thing ?
24 ‘ First you make a mystery out of a fairly ordinary — although for you — tragic — event , and , believe me , I do sympathise with you over that
25 And you had George along with you on that ?
26 Nine out of ten objectives holders agreed with you on that .
27 So you , so I , I , I do n't agree with you on that point but anyway the point of refining , the point of refining the capital programme is there is an im implication of , of , of debt repayment er , which is part of revenue , which could have an implication er , upon how we reach our reductions .
28 Yes , I , I agree with you on that .
29 And then if er you want a so solicitor with you on that day we 'll have to come to some arrangement with you privately about the costs .
30 I , I 'm , I 'm not with you on that one because erm I 'm sure I 'm vaguely at the back of my mind I think I know what it is , I have heard of it I mean
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