Example sentences of "[prep] and [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
2 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
3 ‘ of and … concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund the following words …
4 DHAs can then concentrate on ensuring that the health needs of the population for which they are responsible are met ; that there are effective services for the prevention and control of disease and the promotion of health ; that their population has access to a comprehensive range of high quality , value for money services ; and on setting targets for and monitoring the performance of those management units for which they continue to have responsibility .
5 Turning towards him , her face flushed , her fingers reached down , searching for and caressing the hard nakedness there .
6 What follows is a check list of issues to be considered in preparing for and making the decision .
7 There was no resistance from her as his hands moved caressingly over her flesh , her senses somehow drugged and seduced into quivering acquiescence as he leaned forward , trailing his lips down over her throat and lower neck , searching for and finding the firm , warm swell of her breast .
8 A case study will be undertaken of one primary and one secondary school in the same LEA , focusing mainly on the work of the headteacher , senior staff and other teachers in planning , preparing for and introducing the changes .
9 So we should probably begin by asking what college is for and reviewing the various arguments that surround it .
10 ‘ To retain as many as possible of the existing work-force during and following the move . ’
11 During and following the enactment of the 1970 Act , the motor vehicle industry launched a vigorous campaign to publicize its claim that the attainment of the vehicle emission standards for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons by 1975 , and for oxides of nitrogen by 1976 , was impossible .
12 During and following the Gorbachev era there were numerous complaints about the tendency of presidents to arrogate more power to themselves on the grounds that it was a temporary measure to deal with the extremely serious economic and social situation facing the republics .
13 For two neighbouring points on the ( p , T ) diagram this means Expanding by Taylor 's theorem about and using the first equality gives where are changes in v and S respectively at the transition .
14 For several years , in the late 1960s and the early 1970s , sociologists seemed to spend as much time and effort arguing about how they should be thinking about and studying the social world as they did in actually doing research .
15 This is not to ignore the value of knowing about and understanding the expression of other faith traditions , especially those which may impinge on the life of the pupil .
16 Generic technologies are characterised by a breadth of long term potential applications and impacts which require that they be recognised as fundamental elements in thinking about and planning the long term socioeconomic future .
17 There are two principal kinds of horizontal press : the hydraulic press ( the simplest of all ) , usually a Vaselin model , which has two flat metal plates at either end that push together , squashing the grapes in between and issuing the juice from a duct in the inner cylindrical sleeve ; and the pneumatic press , of which the Willmes is the most common .
18 So she kept her doubts to herself , merely remarking that everyone knew what Frenchmen were like and turning the whole thing into a rather laboured joke in which Iris eventually joined .
19 Senior government officials confirmed that Gaviria was assembling his own team to ensure that the process of gathering evidence against and prosecuting the drug barons went smoothly .
20 It is they who carry out the traditional infantry role of closing with and destroying the enemy .
21 Rigid demarcation lines can leave users with no choice at all about who they wish to be treated by , and getting along with and trusting the professionals who are responsible for providing help is a crucial factor in whether a service user will stay in touch with the services and persevere with treatment .
22 Jarmusch here is experimenting with and calling the spectator 's attention to cinematic conventions .
23 ‘ Curiously enough the reduction in low level concentrations of sulphur dioxide , resulted in an increase in the frequency of detections and complaints about fish smells because the acidic gases had been reacting with and neutralising the smell of the amines ’ .
24 In the press , in the House of Commons , in reports to government departments and in popular folklore there emerged the evacuee stereotype — a dirty , lice-ridden and foul-mouthed urchin who wet the bed with monotonous regularity , preferred fish and chips to a proper three-course meal and was about as domesticated as a wildcat ; similarly , the evacuee mother appeared as a negligent slut , impossible to live with and having the vocabulary of a Billingsgate fish porter .
25 Of course , this did n't stop him from shamelessly flirting with and teasing the scores of solicitous museum officials that came to see him ! ’
26 All historical financial information provided in the Memorandum has been prepared from and using the same accounting policies as the financial records of the Group .
27 This approach emphasises the ‘ state form ’ .9 Like most Marxist analyses , this approach still envisages the state as ‘ capitalist ’ : an apparatus caught up in and managing the social relations of capitalism .
28 Instead a means of legitimating the power of corporate managers can be found by drawing upon and transforming the deviations within current legal thought .
29 It is drawing upon and developing the recent work of Harvard economists in the USA and will use data from some of the case studies which figure in the other projects , as well as econometric analysis at the industry level .
30 With revolving credit , or even fixed-sum credit when there is some form of continuing relationship between lender and borrower , the choice again includes doing without and finding the cash ; but the credit option is now virtually just a matter of signing a sales slip .
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