Example sentences of "[prep] and [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 From the 1860s , however , growing numbers of those who had no desire to question or to alter the nature of the economic system became uneasy about the prevailing diagnosis of the causes of and cure for poverty .
2 In this state his spirit was said to fly to the other world of spirits and there discover the cause of and cure for a person 's illness , the identity of a malefactor , or the nature of events destined to occur .
3 As President of Haringey AC , Ron Pickering showed his love of and feel for grass roots athletics by building the club from obscurity to greatness , partly through encouraging young black athletes to realise their potential .
4 Sometimes it is manifested in an exaggeration of previous dependency when problems arise ; sometimes , with strangers , excessive expectations of and need for support arise from these earlier relationships ( 'My husband waited on me hand and foot . ' )
5 One reason is that current account flows no longer dominate the supply of and demand for currencies , and that capital transactions have assumed a greater relative importance .
6 There was a rapid increase in the output of journals and books and in the range of and demand for newspapers .
7 Along the horizontal axis are measured the supply of and demand for labour in the ith market , and respectively .
8 Hence , no matter how competitive labour and commodity markets are ( Keynes assumed perfect competition in the former and allowed for a high degree of competition in the latter ) , imbalances between the supply of and demand for labour would not be rectified through spontaneous variations in the real wage rate .
9 Consider Figure 7.2 in which the logarithm of the absolute price level , p , is measured on the vertical axis and the logarithms of the supply of and demand for output are measured on the horizontal axis .
10 Only when some convincing reason can be adduced for believing that both employers and workers not only misread market signals , but also misread them in the opposite direction from each other , will it be plausible to infer that both the supply of and demand for labour will rise with the general rise in prices and money wages .
11 A report published today by the Audit Commission says local authorities are fighting a losing battle to bridge the gap between supply of and demand for rented accommodation .
12 The poems are full of imagery of and praise for the Bible :
13 What it means to think of and work for an audience .
14 to contribute to understanding of the economic factors influencing the demand for and supply for adult vocational training
15 There will always be the need for and demand for independent specialist advocacy and advisory services .
16 And just as those who are young feel the need to talk about and prepare for earlier important events , such as their wedding , or their children 's christenings , it is quite normal and not at all macabre for some old people to want to look ahead and plan for the ritual and display of family love and unity that will take place on the day of their departure from this world .
17 Sectoral policy that favours foreigners may , as in Malaysia 's electronics , provoke calls for greater linkage with and support for local firms .
18 SOME 18 months ago I wrote about my own incompetence with and dislike for the microwave oven .
19 An opportunity to work with and care for people of all races , communities and creeds .
20 The Cabinet further decided on Jan. 25 to supply the USA with and pay for nearly 1,000 automatic weapons at a cost of US$2,750,000 .
21 Take it back to the shop that you bought it from and ask for your money back .
22 With each year that passed , peasant interest in and support for the status quo would increase .
23 Once , my hon. Friend identifies a vital point about public confidence in our national health service , which stems from the Government 's investment in and support for it .
24 That bombshell , coming from the Labour party at a time when Nottinghamshire miners are continually breaking production records , shows Labour 's lack of faith in and support for the coal industry , and why Nottinghamshire miners abandoned socialism in 1985 .
25 Although Pittsburgh was severely hit by the decline in the steel industry , its tertiary and quaternary sectors were thriving and there were demands on the city to respond to and cater for the large number of firms locating and expanding their professional and managerial activities there .
26 Well I I was never embarrassed at getting the pessaries , I used to and ask for them .
27 Effective school management uses external initiatives as a prompt to and support for the logical next stage of a school 's development .
28 If , for example , you have two lectures a week in a particular subject — say , on Tuesday and Thursday mornings — and a weekly tutorial — say , on Tuesday afternoons — then you should set aside regular time(s) — say , an hour or two on a Monday and another hour on , say , a Thursday — to study to and prepare for that class .
29 Every item must perforce pay the tribute of the Chinese people 's gratitude to and love for Mao or Chou , and also to Hua .
30 Anyone who would like to find out more can contact the hospital on and ask for Lena .
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