Example sentences of "[prep] the second of " in BNC.

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1 Against a Coventry side in no fit state to make much of a fist of it , Liley was away like the wind midway through the second half on a 45-yard run for the second of Leicester 's four tries .
2 For Moore , on the occasion of his 105th appearance in England colours , it became a miserable exposure to the inevitability of decline , an uncharacteristic positional error enabling Lubanski to surge through for the second of Poland 's two goals ; the famed captain would play only three more times for his country , and not in the climax to the qualifying group , five months later at Wembley .
3 For the second of the historical periods mentioned ( 1538–1801 ) the following books ( all available in paperback ) are most useful background texts : Sixteenth Century England by Joyce Youings ( London 1984 ) , English Society in the Seventeenth Century by Margaret Spufford ( 1985 ) , and English Society in the Eighteenth Century by Roy Porter ( London 1982 ) .
4 Applications are invited for the second of two new lecturer posts awarded by the UFC Review of Meteorology to the School of Environmental Sciences .
5 Elisabeth Leonskaja opts for the second of these views in her performance of No. 1 , and the deliberate- sounding first movement that results is not altogether convincing .
6 Aside from his Jamaican paintings , this was the year that Minton produced his London Transport poster as well as the lithograph Apple Orchard , Kent for the second of three series of artists ' prints which J. Lyons & Co. commissioned as wall decorations for their tea shops and which were also made available to the public at 15s 9d each .
7 It took him two weeks to die and for the second of those we spoke together every night by telephone , often for more than an hour .
8 We suggest an alternative wording for the second of the proposals : ‘ - to recycle valuable coastal land which has become redundant , e.g. the regeneration of rundown coastal towns and ports ; and … ’
9 As for the second of those preconditions , whether the act done at the request of the promisor raises an implication of promised remuneration or other return is simply one of the construction of the words of the contract in the circumstances of its making . ’
10 For the second of the TV series , About Face .
11 Now for the second of the two posters , which Guinness Today is producing with kind permission of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents .
12 Financial exigency as well as domestic security dictated a peace policy , for the second of the two early wars and the suppression of the Polish rebellion inflated the national debt from 652 million paper rubles in 1828 to 823 million in 1832 .
13 and team should also enjoy support for the second of my points .
14 Macbean 's move comes as the deadline for the second of the quarterly awards draws near .
15 McRae , five seconds behind twice former world champion Biasion 's Ford and 25 seconds adrift of Sainz , could have been much closer to the Spanish ace had he not collided with a bale of straw during the second of two Clumber Park stages .
16 Uniplex Ltd is set to reveal Data General as the second of its ‘ preferred ’ architectures for Medley — its new generation client/server office automation software project .
17 The score places the grotesque number for six dancing monkeys as the second of a sequence of three orchestral numbers played during a spectacular scene shift :
18 Projects UK , 1 Black Swan Court , Westgate Road , Newcastle ( Until March 7 ) AS the second of the four overseas photographers , who came to Tyneside last summer , thereby pre-empting the international flavour of the Cleveland 's River Tees project by more than a year , Natassa Markidou , who has a studio and dark-room in Athens , decided that she wanted to commemorate her stay in the North-East by going back to basics .
19 Tools for Self Reliance — a grant of £3,690 was approved for TFSR 's , development education programme as the second of a three year commitment .
20 bill for the quarter between the second of August and the twentieth of September , and he had to pay seven quid for standing charges for that bill .
21 The other point is that , while I have distinguished between the culture of the academic community and the cultural dimension in the student 's educational experience ( and this book is mainly about the second of those ) , there has to be a strong connection between them .
22 Carleton built up a sizeable estate in the eastern and midland counties , partly by inheritance , partly through the second of his three marriages , to Elizabeth Mohun , a Northamptonshire widow who brought him the manor of Overstone , where he mostly resided .
23 Twenty-five years after the second of his two consecutive Super Bowl triumphs , a new picture is being painted on the banks of Lake Michigan .
24 My Lords , erm I would like to take the opportunity if I may just to refer very briefly to one amendment of mine on page two , line eighteen after the second of insert not less than .
25 The Vth Republic is the embodiment of the second of two choices which French constitutions have made : on the one hand , an emphasis upon government accountable to France 's traditionally very fragmented and non-consensual society , at the expense of ‘ order and future goals ’ ; and on the other , an emphasis on order and future goals at the expense of parliamentary representation and accountability .
26 Supporters of the second of the principles above will have a slightly different answer .
27 But in order to avoid having to rely on a null result , Honey and Hall ( 1989 c ) conducted a further study which attempted to eliminate problems of this sort by making use of the second of the within-subjects designs presented in Table 5.1 .
28 The Lord will take care of the second of these — opportunities will be found .
29 Perhaps most valuable of all , Chiu includes Busoni 's visionary transformation of the second of Schoenberg 's Op. 11 Piano Pieces .
30 Her third Christian name was , of course , a good Nonconformist one with a biblical pedigree , that of the second of Job 's daughters — but then Mary Ann Keziah was , after all , the granddaughter of the impressively-named Ebenezer Parkes .
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