Example sentences of "[prep] the same case " in BNC.

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1 Also , for the same case , we determine the sign of the elements of A which multiply the larger of the two coordinates from eqn ( 6.4 ) .
2 Paragraph 5 of the rule was directed not only at enforcement of a judgment in favour of a claimant who had obtained judgment in his favour but also at preventing , by means of the principle of res judicata , relitigation of the same case by a person who was properly represented by a claimant against whom judgment had been given dismissing the claim , whether that person tried to pursue his claim against a named defendant sued in his own right only , or against a named defendant sued both personally and as a representative of a class , or against a member of that class .
3 To search for text : above the cursor ( omit step 1 above and ) select : direction : ( Up ) of the same case ( or mix of cases ) as the search text select : case : ( Yes ) including whole words only select : whole word : ( Yes )
4 To replace text throughout the document in one step ( 'without confirmation' ) select : confirm : ( No ) of the same case as the text to be replaced select : case : ( Yes ) which only includes whole words select : whole word : ( Yes )
5 The two men convicted , a number of detainees held in connection with the same case , and all those involved in the Oct. 5 events , were subsequently pardoned and released by presidential decree .
6 The verdict ultimately turned on the test of indecency formulated by Lord Reid in the same case : ‘ indecency includes anything which an ordinary decent man or woman would find to be shocking , disgusting and revolting . ’
7 By contrast , in the same case it was held that once the council had decided that the applicant was entitled to be housed , the right to be housed was a private law right which did not have to be enforced by AJR procedure , but could be enforced in a tort action for breach of statutory duty in the County Court .
8 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
9 Watson B. in the same case said , at p. 93 :
10 In the same case Lord Wilberforce said , at p. 1027 :
11 In the same case , Bowen L.J .
12 In the same case Lord Scarman , at p. 186 , referred approvingly to observations of Harman L.J .
13 In his judgment in the same case Devlin L.J .
14 In the same case Lord Wilberforce said , at p. 629 :
15 Numbers may , of course , bring increased power and in the Crofter case Viscount Maugham said that he had never felt any difficulty in seeing ‘ the great difference between the acts of one person and the acts in combination of two or of a multitude , ’ but , as Viscount Simon L.C. remarked in the same case :
16 ‘ I am in the same case as you , ’ said the abbot , and smiled .
17 And Alderson B. , in the same case , says , ‘ It is undoubtedly true that payment of a portion of a liquidated demand , in the same manner as the whole liquidated demand which ought to be paid , is payment only in part , because it is not one bargain , but two : viz. , payment of part , and an agreement without consideration to give up the residue .
18 In the same case , at 427 , Denning LJ ( as he then was ) gave more examples in the following passage and summarised the circumstances in which he thought the court would interfere :
19 In the same case , at 758C , Lord Salmon stated that it was generally well established that professionals owed their clients a duty to exercise reasonable skill and care .
20 In the same case , Lord Kilbrandon said ( 831B ) : " I am as mistrustful of the phrase mere valuer as I know some of your Lordships are of the office of quasi-arbitrator " .
21 Certain infallible rules have been established , and we carry on an unvarying routine in which we apply the same theory to the same cases . ’
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