Example sentences of "[prep] the [num] as " in BNC.

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1 This comparative study of five representative prisons for adult males in one region of the prison system , seeks to provide benchmarks for the 1980's as to how far humane containment is achieved in the context of maintaining security and control .
2 The IBM concurrent copy , sequential data striping , enhanced dynamic cache management and search assist will be available for the 7980-3 as well as the 7690 in the first quarter 1994 .
3 Although it took so long finally to dispose of the machinery and tanks , other material was removed from the incline during the 1920's as uses for it were found .
4 As a result , the USA suffered a net outflow of gold in every year but one during the 1960s as pressure of the kind described by Triffin built up .
5 R. Rhodes , ( 1984 , p. 355 ) , observing the increased assertiveness of the Thatcher government , has characterized the changes in relationship between central and local government during the 1970s as shifting from bargaining through incorporation to direction and centralization in the 1980s .
6 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
7 The importance of the Leicestershire coalfield declined during the 1980s as seams gradually became worked out , but new opencast sites continued to provide useful revenue for BR .
8 This new ‘ philosophy ’ , enshrined in the 1980 Act , was to lead to increasing central-local tensions during the 1980s as central government sought to impose , and reinforce where necessary , controls over the expenditure of individual local authorities .
9 They provide about 80 per cent of total lending for private house purchase , though this figure has fluctuated during the 1980s as banks entered , retreated from and then re-entered the mortgage market .
10 The policies of the Fabians were described by Beatrice Webb during the 1890s as ‘ essentially collective ownership wherever practicable ; collective regulation everywhere else ; collective provision according to need for all the impotent and sufferers ; and collective taxation in proportion to wealth ’ .
11 The situation changed steadily during the 1950s as more and more black men came to high office , and naturally the West Indian people could see no reason why the same should not happen on the cricket field .
12 This riposte throws into relief the central difference between the two as Barth saw it .
13 Leaving this aside for the moment though , let us set up a contrast between the two as follows :
14 The contrast between the two as they stood one behind the other struck Melissa as comical .
15 By the time we conclude our comparison of fabliau and exemplum at the end of this book we shall face a very similar formulation of the difference between the two as lying in the fabliau 's divergence from the normal modes of exemplum , which may in itself be funny , rather than in an all-preceding intention to be funny .
16 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
17 What remains of the 42 AS buildings are employed for a variety of uses , including a company making boats and the compounds provide open storage for governmental vehicles .
18 Dr Schwarz measures the decline of the 1760s as being as marked as that of the 1790s .
19 An odd thought came to each one of the four as they chewed , ; they were sharing a meal , eating meat and salt together .
20 Yanto , the last of the four as they marched into the cage , was desperately trying to control his fear .
21 In the process , he illuminates the loneliness of Los Angeleans of the 90s as they try to find love and comfort in an essentially hostile environment .
22 Trading down from fillet steak to mince or sausages , from Cooper 's Oxford marmalade to supermarket own brand or from real coffee to soft-focus Gold Blend is as much a symbol of the 90s as lengthening dole queues and expanding cardboard box- dwelling communities .
23 At times , of course , we know that the rate of subsidence ( and the rate of uplift ) has influenced the type of sedimentation , so the two are connected , but my general thesis remains that for the preservation of the bulk of the continental stratigraphical record we must think of the two as separate and independent phenomena .
24 Burlatsky , a people 's deputy as well as scholar and journalist , argued in favour of a decentralised , self-managing socialism which drew upon the experience of the New Economic Policy of the 1920s as well as the socialist tradition in other countries .
25 Although Charles 's own personal inclination was to refound a wide , comprehensive church able to encompass as many of the various denominations of the 1650s as possible , it was soon clear that the king would have to bow to pressure from the bishops , the conservative landowners , and their representatives in the Cavalier Parliament , who wished to see a more narrow restoration .
26 At home many Americans feared a return to the depression conditions of the 1930s as war production slowed down .
27 Whereas Duke 's challenge was reminiscent of the four presidential bids between 1964 and 1976 by the racist Alabama governor George Wallace , Buchanan 's campaign contained older resonances of the isolationist movement of the 1930s as championed by Charles Lindbergh .
28 Modern relevant and as successful in recruitment of the workforce of the nineties as we used to be in recruiting the workforce of the sixties and seventies .
29 Love him or loathe him , Adrian Mole and his secret diary were as much a part of the 1980s as portable phones and rich estate agents .
30 He , like Alavi , notes the parallel between contemporary politics in the post-colonial state and politics in the France of the 1850s as described by Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte .
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