Example sentences of "[prep] the [num] in " in BNC.

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1 We descended in human but not mechanical silence into the Inferno of the Friday evening rush hour , the appropriate punishment , I have long since thought , for the millions in that city and in every other who live and think as we did .
2 Wolverton also constructed carriages and limbers for the 9.2 in Howitzer , employed for transporting these heavy guns .
3 Mining near Selby has started and there are plans for three new large pits for the 1990s in the Vale of Belvoir ( see also page 148 ) .
4 The demand for places continued to grow : in 1952 there were 200 applicants for the 29 Senior places , 55 for the 10 in the Junior School ; in the following year 310 for 44 Senior places ( every so often , three forms were admitted instead of the usual two ) , 70 for the 10 Junior .
5 Jean Stubbs does the same for the 60s in Like We Used To Be ( Macmillan , £11.95 ) bringing to life the world of Flower Power and pot , contraception and the Beatles .
6 Northern Sinfonia Orchestra : Middlesbrough Town Hall MOZART professed to like neither the flute nor the harp , yet he wrote the most delightful concerto for the two in combination .
7 Kare Ingebrigtsen — who has had trouble getting selected for the first-11 in city was left out ( he started last nigh though — and even scored after 4 minutes in city 's 2–0 abandoned match vs ipswich ) .
8 Tom Otterness , the sculptor , has created a true epitaph for the Eighties in his ‘ The Real World ’ a pocket Disney and-by-way-of-Hieronymus Bosch in which diminutive doll figures cute at first encounter — cavort in the open air among what are , for them , giants huge Molochian beings awash in and sometimes even exploding with money , money symbolized by thousands of larger-than-life one-cent pieces .
9 When Warner Bros , the company with which she had signed an exclusive long-term contract , squandered her potential during the Thirties in a series of amusing but , for her , unfulfilling potboilers ( eg Fashions of 1934 , The Big Shakedown , Jimmy the Gent , Fog over Frisco ) , she took the unprecedented step of departing for England , where she could continue working outside of American jurisdiction .
10 Prospect Drama explores how notions of morality & personal relationships changed during the 80's in ‘ one of the best English plays since the war ’ Sunday Times .
11 During the 1960s in Korea , a research team headed by Professor Kim Bong Han conducted experimental work in relation to acupuncture meridians in assorted animals .
12 The IMF also introduced supplementary facilities during the 1960s in addition to the ordinary facilities outlined above .
13 A historical emphasis in biogeography prevailed during the 1960s in particular and is collectively described as Quaternary ecology by Simmons ( 1980 ) .
14 Sharp increases are also expected during the 1990s in Europe 's use of motor vehicles , fertilisers and water .
15 Chartered secretaries have had to develop during the 1980s in much the same way as their nearest counterparts , lawyers and accountants .
16 ICI , in its involvement during the 1980s in illegal cartels for polypropylene , PVC and other materials , has been shown by the EC to threaten competition more on its own than Hanson ever has .
17 Moreover , public expenditure restraints during the 1980s in particular have helped to turn the rhetoric of care by the community into de facto reality , as support services such as home helps and nursing auxiliaries have been reduced or withdrawn — a theme developed by Hilary Land in her chapter here on the demise of the social wage .
18 We would suggest that in times of economic crisis and recession several of these conditions are indeed likely to predominate and that in fact they did during the 1980s in the UK .
19 The rapid development of these centres during the 1980s in different parts of the country has led to different emphases being developed in practice ( some are mainly advice centres , other social centres ; others combine these roles with elements of campaigning work ) .
20 In fact , spending per child on books and educational equipment increased slightly ( though not steadily ) in real terms during the 1980s in both primary and secondary schools .
21 There was also a marked increase during the 1980s in the number of long-term unemployed .
22 In Johannesburg , the South African Communist Party claimed yesterday that Jonas Savimbi , the Unita leader , was being sheltered in South Africa , which supported the movement during the 1980s in its fight against the Angolan government .
23 He occurs at York as clerk and canon during the 1120s in the entourage of Archbishop Thurstan [ q.v. ] ; about 1135 he became dean of York , presiding as such in June 1141 when William Fitzherbert [ q.v. ] was chosen to succeed Thurstan .
24 this is in fact two players as the one in green and yellow has his boot firmly up the arse of the one in red and white stripes .
25 But there is little to choose between the two in terms of overall performance .
26 For Guy won a play-off for the Victorian Open in Australia between the two in 1978 at the third extra hole .
27 In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-collector , what was the difference between the two in their attitudes to prayer ?
28 BLACKBURN keeper Bobby Mimms makes sure Arsenal hit man Ian Wright gets the message after one of several skirmishes between the two in the Battle of Highbury Picture : ARNOLD SLATER
29 St Louis-based Southwestern Bell Corp and the Cox Cable Communications arm of Atlanta-based Cox Enterprises Inc , said yesterday that they have now finalised their UK joint venture : the agreement creates a partnership between the two in both cable television and local telephone service , and Cox will hold an initial 25% stake in the cable television and telephone operations of Southwestern Bell , with the option of increasing its stake .
30 Expansion south towards the nearby colony of Maryland went on fast enough for a pair of surveyors , Mason and Dixon , to have to draw a boundary between the two in 1702 , though this line was not completely accepted for some decades .
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