Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 They need a home where they will be safe from hunting animals such as bears or lynx and they also need a place to store food for the winter when the land is snow-bound .
2 Mansell had a record nine victories for the year when he let Patrese pass .
3 Mansell already had a record nine victories for the year when he allowed Ricardo Patrese to win his first race of the season .
4 Finally he asked us to pray to be forgiven for the times when we had misused our authority .
5 Coming after five years of war , when for the first time there did seem to be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel , these new rockets were almost too much for our overstretched nerves , although the situation would no doubt have been very much worse if it had not been for the times when both the RAF and the American Air Force had been out bombing Peenemunde and the other rocket sites .
6 That might help undo memories of living in or around Lucca in a displaced persons ' camp when they left Trieste ; a little cosseted security makes up for the times when there were seventeen families in one room .
7 We thank you for the times when it moves us to be in your presence together .
8 But he could be ready for anything ; for the churches which had abandoned him ; for the churches like the Philippian one which had continued to care ; for hunger ; for plenty ; for the times when he had no obvious human support , and for the times when his fellow believers came and gave him encouragement .
9 But he could be ready for anything ; for the churches which had abandoned him ; for the churches like the Philippian one which had continued to care ; for hunger ; for plenty ; for the times when he had no obvious human support , and for the times when his fellow believers came and gave him encouragement .
10 Robbie and the dog had just returned from their stroll and she was about to lock up and go below for the night when a sound from the towpath caught her attention .
11 He had very red hair and a pale complexion with masses of freckles all over his face , he was very popular with everyone and lived for the day when he could join the Army , particularly the Camerons .
12 So we will have to start preparing people for the day when animals will be widely used . ’
13 But New Zealand farmers could not be better placed for the day when ( if ) other rich countries lower barriers to food imports and abolish farm subsidies .
14 Pyramid Research , a Boston-based consultancy , reports that western companies hope to use joint ventures in Eastern Europe to strengthen trading ties with Russia in preparation for the day when Cocom relaxes its controls .
15 From their secure bases — at least , in Cathay 's case , until China takes over Hong Kong in 1997 — they are expanding aggressively , to prepare for the day when they will have to compete .
16 If it was n't the Russians , it was the British who wanted to interfere ; so I said , I am going away to wait for the day when once again an Austrian can decide when an Austrian may conduct music in his own country .
17 I have never heard of anybody , apart from people who may hope to get good jobs in these bogus new regional authorities , who , thrilled by a weird kind of socialist local patriotism , longs for the day when the flag of the East Midland Region is raised over the Great Roundabout of Retford , or the parliament of the West Midland Region holds its inaugural meeting at Telford New Town .
18 See now what his power is , for the day when I sate down before Juballa I had no more than four loaves of bread , and now by God 's mercy I have won Valencia .
19 I can begin to be a real father to my girls and prepare for the day when I 'll be a grandfather to their children .
20 From the time it is first offered to you , it makes sense to plan for the day when your job may end .
21 We 'll plot and plan together for the day when it 's opportune to strike ! ’
22 I lived only for the day when I would come into my own .
23 I long for the day when those in authority will be united in a common quest to win the lost without worrying about the style of Anglican worship ; when they will see that a prime means to evangelise our nation will be to plant churches and encourage it without worrying about parochial boundaries .
24 I was always waiting for the day when I would be beaten up , but it never came .
25 The many coats of paint helped to preserve the P-40 ready for the day when she would fly again .
26 It was a very ordinary , rather pleasant , Highland country house ; originally a shooting-lodge and of no great size or importance for the day when it was built .
27 That means that every contribution you can forward now will be earning money for the day when it will be necessary to strip down the T9 for its ten year overhaul , writes MERVYN TURVEY .
28 The union 's national executive is calling for a ‘ yes ’ vote and is likely to ask Nottinghamshire businesses to close for the day when a strike is called .
29 However , even if you fly something fully equipped , a quarter mill is still useful for the day when ( a ) you 're flying something more basic or ( b ) your electrics have packed up , you ca n't trust your instruments , the viz is a bit iffy and you just have to get home — but safely .
30 Nor can Colm Henry wait for the day when the whole ‘ chemistry ’ part of photography is done away with .
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