Example sentences of "[prep] as few [conj] " in BNC.

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1 First , the evolution of a new unique sequence with a new function may require the selective modification of as few as 5 per cent of the bases .
2 JOHN MAJOR 'S hope of a Commons victory on the Maastricht Treaty rested on the votes of as few as four rebel MPs last night .
3 The polymerase chain reaction was pioneered for diagnostic use , and the detection of as few as two genomes of M tuberculosis in clinical samples is now possible .
4 Some choirs function with as few as six .
5 However there are many less ambitious preservation projects which would be possible with as few as a dozen determined people and not too expensive .
6 However , reports on May 22 indicated that the strike was only patchily supported , with as few as 1,500 people gathering for a rally outside the Supreme Soviet building .
7 With over 100 individual meeting rooms available on campus , we are used to accommodating for as few as 20 or as many as 1,000 delegates .
8 They show tribute ‘ constituencies ’ ranging from as few as fifteen persons to several hundreds or even thousands in the case of some of the bigger nationalities — in particular the Kangalas , Baturus , Borogon and Megin tribes of Yakutia , and the Bulagat and Tabunut tribes of Buryat Mongols .
9 If this is so , then the random sequence can evolve into the optimal one in as few as 100 steps , each step being driven by natural selection .
10 If Labour had accepted PR , and the possibility of an agreement with the Liberal Democrats to introduce it , then it could have ensured defeat for the Conservatives by giving the Lib Dems a clear run in as few as 20 seats .
11 Whilst this process may , for this model , take up to 20 iterations to achieve an acceptable assembly from a disjointed starting point , once an association has been accomplished for the first time and , if only small disturbances are imposed , re-association may be accomplished in as few as three attempts .
12 ( 1976 ) have shown that where lake pH values were below 5 , about 12 species were observed , falling to as few as three in some very acidified lakes .
13 Bedfordshire female plaiters declined in numbers from 20,701 in 1871 to as few as 485 thirty years later as wages tumbled from ten shillings a week to as little as one or two shillings .
14 Suggestions that Clinton wants to reduce American troops in Europe to as few as 75,000 have also raised eyebrows .
15 While it may be virtually abolished on the first night by as few as four or five wakenings , on subsequent nights REM " pressure " increases , and successively more wakenings are required , as the number of times REM sleep is initiated is increased .
16 New political parties , and other types of public association such as trade unions , could be set up by as few as 10 people .
17 Investigations — fundoscopy , serum potassium , and chest radiography — varied substantially , up to one quarter of physicians rounded the blood pressure reading up to 10 mm Hg , and although risk factor intervention was said to be important , cholesterol measurement was done by as few as 27% of clinicians .
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