Example sentences of "[prep] some [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I came to see you about some notes I sent your husband .
2 I also had a letter from about some request she 'd had to send a copy of the CAMET corpus to Sheffield .
3 ’ Then I asked the children to write about some experience they could recall that had something physical about it .
4 Emily had a way of launching casually into an anecdote about some fix she 'd got herself into in the past and Preston would listen with increasing alarm , wondering just what he 'd got himself into .
5 Do you remember I phoned you a week or two ago about some books I wanted ?
6 Keeps nattering about some demo he decydes is gon na make it for him .
7 about some lesson we would n't learn .
8 I remembered that I had promised to see her about some poems she had written and had nervously asked me to read .
9 It 's about some people they were in a car and they had an accident and they knocked down a boy , that was riding on his bike .
10 After three or four pages , he found himself wandering the streets or pacing anxiously through some park he did n't even recognize , twitching and murmuring strangely to himself while mothers , at the sight of him , drew their children to them and stole softly away across the grass .
11 Though I had small scale maps at three inches to a mile for some areas they are not produced for all the Sahara , nor could I have afforded the hundred pounds they would have cost if they had been .
12 For some garments it may not be possible to resolve all these contradictory needs ( except by selecting a different pattern ! )
13 For some goods it may be appropriate to permit cancellation at no charge provided sufficiently long notice is given .
14 But for some women it 's the preferred option .
15 For some things you may find it difficult to see how to improve on them or you will not be able to think of suitable substitutes .
16 Mrs Putt might want a stall cleared out and fresh straw put in for some company she 's expecting , or she 'll want me to hitch up a carriage so she can go visiting .
17 This indicates that acinar cells in pancreatitis retain their responsiveness to direct secretory stimulation but for some reasons they become ‘ resistant ’ to the stimulation in vivo .
18 Yes , but when you , when you say it 's the end of time it 's , you get some people saying yes it 's always the end , for some country it 's always er collapses or what me have you , it 's always then for some government or country
19 In some folk it will make them this or that , perhaps , not in every body , but for some folk it will do that , but his greatest purpose in your life and in my life is to reproduce Jesus Christ to make us like him .
20 For some students it can form a bridge between Standard Grades and Highers .
21 The evidence will usually be contained in a written report , but for some students it may be more suitable to present this evidence orally .
22 Now this can be rather boring , as for some students it will actually be going over material that they have met .
23 For some while he had suffered from phlebitis and several times in the previous months he had been unable to speak at meetings .
24 It was entitled ‘ The Condemned Cell ? ’ and I cut it out and for some while it was on my desk .
25 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
26 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
27 Ei either the rate of addition or the rate of removal cos if we 're assuming a steady state the two will be the same and it 's just a question of for some substances it might be easier to measure th the rate of addition , for others it might be easier to measure the rate of removal .
28 Such human resources were soon to be available elsewhere — notably in Japan — but for some decades they guaranteed to Europe and North America a monopoly of technical invention and discovery .
29 For some calls they wear plain clothes , but mostly work is done in uniform , as it must be if neighbourhood policing is to work .
30 Even as Rachel flitted before us down passageways and galleries , I could feel other presences , as if ghosts hiding in the shadows watched her pass then trailed behind us , looking for some weakness they could exploit .
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