Example sentences of "[prep] get [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MCI Communications Corp is now shipping the GEC-Marconi Ltd VideoPhone for $1,500 the pair after getting Federal Communications Commission approval for the device , which is being sold here in the UK , in Japan , Singapore and Germany .
2 Yeah , and then Brian 's sort of got gingery tints in his hair , but my dad 's still brown .
3 The state-funded National Consumer Council said : ‘ If these legal reforms go through , ordinary people in England and Wales will stand a much better chance of getting real justice . ’
4 ‘ I think there is a real prospect of getting major changes to this bill , ’ he added .
5 At this stage , Browns Lane has not given up hope of getting rear seats into the convertible , but it is proving a hard task , and it is probably that only the coupe will be a two-plus-two .
6 For someone who can give an object as plain and manageable as a book all the symmetry and neatness of a loosely wrapped food blender , the prospect of getting cumbersome gardening tools into a parcel terrifies me .
7 So we had this idea of getting other people to buy it with us . ’
8 In both these cases the old plates made the necessary points , and there was no need to go to the trouble and expense of getting new ones .
9 The legal process takes a long time and the task of getting new Regulations approved remained incomplete when I retired .
10 However , having said that , the best way of getting new business is by referrals from satisfied clients rather than completely new assignments with completely new clients .
11 He blamed the delays on ‘ the realities of getting practical things off the ground ’ , but insisted that the Government was sticking to the original target figure and they were making ‘ excellent progress ’ .
12 Local incentive schemes are the most likely way of getting general practitioners to change prescribing habits by ensuring that they see the benefits retained in local health care .
13 The justification for this practice was that the dealer who could do business with such clients would thrive in the dealing room proper where he stood a chance of getting reasonable leads .
14 Much of this Wilson was inclined to blame on the difficulties of getting suitable men to act as local delegates or secretaries and on the impatience of the seamen .
15 of getting ordinary crayons because
16 who was at Cambuslang at that time , commented " He seems hurt at being asked to preach as a candidate and I sympathize with him in this , as I think candidating and preaching contests are the most objectional things conceivable , and also the least satisfactory way possible of getting good ministers as a rule good men who have done their work well will not preach as candidates for myself I never in my life either preached as a candidate , offered for a parish or got a certificate . "
17 The Ellis-Beto-Estelle ( Estelle was Beto 's successor ) era was one in which the primacy of getting good people to do the important jobs was unquestioned .
18 To avoid being taken to the cleaners , Which ? suggested the best way of getting good results was to hire a firm recommended by word of mouth .
19 Once again i caught on the three methods that I thought would work on the day and to say the least I was more than confident of getting good points .
20 It was not enough to excel in the swimming and the running , which he knew he did ; what was going to be the good of getting good scores there and nullifying them with a duff riding round ?
21 Research in Britain is finding ways of getting good crop yields without the need for high levels of nitrate fertiliser
22 For example , part-time workers who earn enough to pay contributions may not qualify for unemployment benefit unless they can produce evidence that they have a ‘ reasonable chance ’ of getting part-time employment in the locality .
23 Well they say they see people that erm have more possessions than theirselves and they see in their eyes an easier way of getting similar possessions .
24 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
25 The main barrier seems to he fear of getting non-original work — but we get that anyway .
26 All you can say is , there are different ways of getting reproductive success and er being a female mimic , or a little sneak , is er , is just one way of doing it .
27 ‘ The art of getting cheap publicity ’ — FT headline .
28 Nor the hurdle of getting paid release .
29 Whether it 's landscapes or portraits you want , you can always be sure of getting perfect enlargements .
30 I know a great deal about the difficulty of getting homoeopathic treatments referred by general practitioners because there is a homoeopathic hospital in my constituency .
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