Example sentences of "[prep] go [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Paul battered John after going on a night of ‘ louting ’ .
2 sort of going just a short way along and having to reverse back out again
3 Very easy to simply turn into this lane instead of going right the way over to the other side .
4 And instead of going up the jetty they went down and they were going to go right back to Rousay again .
5 Under these conditions it is possible to reproduce the sight of going down a helter-skelter , and the audience feels it is falling , when in fact there is no movement at all .
6 She told me , too , of the mines , and how some of the young boys were terrified of going down the pit for the first time , but had to go , as there was no other work for them ; and how at first they had been put to work beside their father , loading the coal he cut , until they had overcome their fear .
7 He rejected the customary function of wingers of going down the line and crossing the ball .
8 And as as I say they had to put all the mens name in the hat and pick them out and put up a roster and they had their turn of going down the bread week by week .
9 And he 's bowling very well , he 's opposing , opposing all sorts of problems , but he 's also getting frustrated because of er the batsman technique of going down the pitch putting his left pad in line with the ball and then letting his back hover behind that left leg and quite rightly my view , Tufnell keeps appealing when this happens , and Jack Hampshire keeps saying not out .
10 Anna had recovered to the extent of running a house again — a furnished one in Regent 's Park — and of going out a little .
11 Yes , erm Arthur as I have mentioned earlier was erm the fourth in command as it were and erm if I can just sort of go down the erm the pecking order , mm , Leslie was the Chief Education Officer .
12 Blows your excuse for going down the job centre .
13 On talking with her son Michael — ‘ Talking with Michael is like going down a water chute and finding yourself in the same swimming pool , very much at the deep end . ’
14 Appropriate clothing may be determined by how much of the site is under cover , whether there is any walking between places , the nature of the building , or if there is any special experience , like going down a mine .
15 It was like going back a hundred years .
16 Only time and a falling tide prevented him from going up a nearby church tower and filming us again .
17 At the time of weddings , a group of women and children came across the fields with baskets and scarves full of sweets and rice which they touched down under the holy tree to be blessed , before going back the same way they 'd come .
18 But sometimes before going underground a boy , on leaving school , went to work on the screens which were on the surface — top-pit .
19 Long before going solo the student should have learned the mnemonic by heart .
20 Oh aye , I said to John I said well I say well how far we 're going cos I 'm not keen on going right a long way
21 They explain that they have always fended for themselves because of being at work , but when it comes to going home the difficulties begin .
22 ‘ But I looked forward to going down the mine .
23 The only people who had trouble in adjusting to work were those who for some reason deviated from this model — either by going up the social scale or by going down it ( social mobility is more fully discussed by Geoff Payne in this volume ) .
24 She was supposed to do this , unless it was raining , by going out the front door and down the area steps , rather than through her grandmother 's bedroom .
25 I was still boxing by going down the London gym of Danny Peacock-Gordon was a friend of his .
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