Example sentences of "[prep] say [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AT&T is fond of saying that USL has annual revenues ‘ in excess of $80 million dollars . ’
2 It is just the latest , polite way of saying that whites want to live in Africa , but they ca n't for the life of them get along with Africans .
3 Really , this is another way of saying that capital is sunk , but for a short period of time , because whilst the plane is in use it is not available for alternative flights .
4 It was all a roundabout way of saying that Sien was synonymous with sorrow , and perhaps as well he was referring to the sorrowing mother of their childhood .
5 Er and then to contrast this you 've got like the feminist view er well it 's a just reconstruct a lot of these ideas instead of saying that women 's talk was diffident they said it was more considerate , and so the idea that quite often A lot of the features that are in this conversation are n't because women want to be deferential to the men they 're talking to , it 's that they actually want to show some consideration to the turn-taking or the conversational style that 's going on .
6 She was on the point of saying that interfering could do more harm than good , but , knowing it would be pointless , she kept silent .
7 In fact , she was fond of saying that FAMILY and the women 's liberation movement were both on the same side if they did but know it .
8 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price-performance curve .
9 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price/performance curve .
10 For example , one sage quoted by Bodine railed against the custom of saying that X and Y were married , or worse , that Mr X was married to Miss Y. Propriety would be better served , he pointed out , if this fact were always expressed in terms of the woman being married to the man , since it is the woman who is passed from father to husband and loses her identity .
11 We have already seen that this may simply have been a way of saying that Wulfstan had secured an undertaking that they were going to abandon practices which he found displeasing .
12 It could only be assimilated to it if ‘ I disapprove of prostitution ’ were treated as a tentative way of saying that prostitution is wrong , that is , as a tentative expression of an attitude against prostitution rather than as an expression of one 's awareness of one 's own disapproval of it .
13 This was merely a way of saying that herring dishes will be available to shoppers on Saturday courtesy of the country 's Consulate .
14 It is almost like saying that watercolour painting is inferior to oil painting , when most of us realise how difficult watercolour is , and how many problems the oil painter doe not have to contend with .
15 Until yesterday , Taylor would concede only that Gascoigne MIGHT be England 's best player , which is a bit like saying that Linford Christie might be our best sprinter .
16 But to say that an immune deficiency here and an immune deficiency there constitutes one or even two closely related diseases is like saying that apples explain oranges merely because both of them contain a number of pips .
17 Saying that Americans are obsessed with spectator sport is a bit like saying that life in Japan is bliss : something that is more true for men than for women .
18 To say this would be like saying that people acquire the concept of the past by experiencing it in memory .
19 Which is rather like saying that slum-dwellers would rather live in the slums than anywhere else — there they are in the slums , are n't they ?
20 It is also worth saying that spouses provide invaluable support during their partners ' periods of office and , in some cases , are very much involved in district society affairs .
21 Editor , — As one of the two speakers criticised in Council by Mr John Chawner for saying that schemes for tax relief on child care were non-starters and a waste of health service money perhaps I may be allowed to draw attention to a debate earlier that day .
22 However , there are various reasons for saying that man is the same grammatical element in 74a and b .
23 The reason that has been given for saying that Halley 's attempt was serious , rather than merely placatory , is that he confessed in public that his efforts had not , after all , produced decisive results .
24 Gregory claims that it was the king who insisted that the consecration should be held at Metz , out of affection for the candidate , but this may be a euphemism for saying that consecration in Clermont was too dangerous .
25 ( Of course if there are resurrections , then my point is proved and there is again a regularity to nature ; but then there is no particular reason for saying that Jesus is unique as Christians believe . )
26 I was in the Feathers the night Sandy MacAllister punched Laurence Uden on the nose for saying that Stanford Roberts had been drunk at poor old Sidney Cunningham 's funeral . ’
27 ‘ We 've always done it this way ’ is as daft an excuse for an industrial manufacturing process which has become fossilised as it is for saying that fossils have a life of their own .
28 There is a case for saying that Nietzsche 's relationships , though often intense , hardly ever permitted the degree of self-revelation , at least on his side , that true intimacy presupposes .
29 There 's no doubt that there is a case for saying that Bayfield is too big for front-jumping .
30 Let Dr McNab give his reasons for saying that cholera is spread by the drinking of infected water ! "
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