Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] can " in BNC.

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1 This hits application performance , but the company has come up with the innovative idea of letting users run NLMs in protected mode until they are proved stable , after which they can be invited into the same memory segment as the core operating system to boost performance .
2 At weekends it makes for a good day 's outing to take the family for a picnic , after which they can gather as many strawberries as they want at the various fruit farms dotted around .
3 The green will eventually go brown or black , after which you can wash it away with a high pressure hose .
4 But there are many matters about which one can not write …
5 To quote Bertrand Russell , every language has a structure about which one can say nothing in that language .
6 There must be another language , dealing with the structure of the first and possessing a new structure about which one can not say anything except in a third language — and so forth .
7 This is not an area about which one can be dogmatic : it is simply a matter of opening up students ' minds to the need for some care in the matter of selection of learnable language .
8 L-Fields are links in a ‘ chain of authority ’ which starts with the simplest living forms , runs upward through all life on this planet to the most complex form we know — man — and then extends outward into space and upward to an ‘ infinite authority ’ , about which we can only speculate .
9 There are ‘ hidden ’ factors about which we can only speculate , such as the direct effects on sand-eel stocks from the greatly increased shoals of herring and mackerel which are the result of recent bans on fishing for these species .
10 With Descartes he felt that our own sense experiences are the one things about which we can be absolutely certain .
11 I mean it 's , it 's general I suppose I mean if it would be better to switch it on and off which you can do and er , you know , I mean we ca n't sit here continually talking
12 Verbs involve an appreciation of time ; nouns of objects in space , or of mental concepts and experiences ; adjectives of qualities between which we can discriminate ; adverbs of associations in time , space and quality .
13 As soon as it is over and both males are exhausted they have a brief opportunity during which they can launch an attack and win the harem from both of them , and this has been seen to happen .
14 Bearing in mind that the elderly often most enjoy visits that are on a one-to-one basis , during which they can ventilate their anxieties and have the undivided attention of a sympathetic listener , it is not always a good idea to arrive with several young children in tow , if they can be happily parked elsewhere .
15 Thus even for the privileged few the length of time during which they can enjoy their peak earnings is being restricted .
16 Under the Law Society 's Scheme , representatives who are not accredited will have a period of six months during which they can develop their skills by being paid for work on less serious cases .
17 The parties should agree a period of time during which they can continue negotiations and the investors can undertake investigations without fear that the target may be sold to a third party .
18 On telemarketing , the code insists that companies must ring up prospective clients at reasonable hours , do not use high pressure sales tactics and allow prospective purchasers a ‘ cooling off ’ period during which they can change their minds .
19 ‘ It is , perhaps , not too much to ask on their behalf for a period of calm during which they can reassert , each in his and her own way , the tradition of public service to which they are clearly dedicated . ’
20 Not only will the proposed reorganisation plunge local government into confusion and uncertainty for a number of years , during which we can expect little progress with the review and upgrading of old minerals permissions , but the resulting structure of small unitary authorities is very unlikely to deliver either the resources or the strategic perspective required to implement the proposed review .
21 Thus the hypothesis provides a meaning to primitive ‘ goodness ’ and also suggests the period during which it can be said to have originated .
22 This period is thus , in effect , the lifetime of the product , during which it can be expected to function normally without the need for repair ( other than , of course , in appropriate cases , replacement of consumables — such as ribbons on a printer , and routine or preventive maintenance — such as the need to service a car in accordance with the maker 's guidelines ) .
23 This is also a ‘ dead time ’ during which you can profitably respond .
24 Any reputable hypnotherapist should be quite prepared to have a ten-minute ‘ chat ’ with you , free of charge , during which he can answer any questions you might have .
25 Are there steps through which we can begin to learn again what was so clearly a part of the New Testament church 's experience ?
26 The room itself is an object , with all its elements , carpets and hangings included , constituting an authentic whole , through which we can give a lesson in the development of style and taste .
27 It 's a marvellous profession through which we can help our fellow citizens , an enriching one which , like medicine , saves lives …
28 The processes through which we can see texts functioning within a social and cultural context are problematic .
29 Having chosen the story , theme or music , choreographers must consider the available living material through which they can mould the particular style of dance appropriate to their ideas .
30 It is useful to point out that when using such materials choreographers must know their vocabulary very thoroughly and select movements through which they can emphasise the moment when disaster strikes .
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