Example sentences of "[prep] which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This general outline story of the first Passover is called the Haggadah , after which the first part of the special Psalms for Passover are sung , known as the Hallel Psalms ( Psalms 112–13 ) .
2 It takes up to two months to complete , after which the other stages can be run in parallel .
3 The best method is to begin at the fainter of the two Pointers ( Agena , or Beta Centauri ) and extend a line from it through Alpha Trianguli Australe ; prolonged for far enough this will lead to Alpha Pavonis in the Peacock , after which the other Birds can be sorted out .
4 The American War of Independence and the French Revolution marked a turning point after which the new meaning became universal , Britain excepted .
5 Kassem failed to win international support for his claim and was deterred from pursuing it militarily by the swift dispatch of British and Arab League forces to Kuwait [ see pp. 18187-90 ; 18355 ; 18934 ] ; he was toppled in a bloody Baath-Nationalist coup in 1963 , after which the new Iraqi government recognized Kuwaiti sovereignty [ see p. 19668 ] .
6 After the church service , a reception was held at the Lesser Town Hall , Airdrie after which the one week honeymoon was spent touring Scotland .
7 He then joined his brother at the Brighton works of the London , Brighton and South Coast Railway from 1871 to 1875 , working under the direction of William Stroudley [ q.v. ] , after which the two brothers moved to the North British Railway works at Cowlairs and in 1882 to the neighbouring works at St Rollox of the Caledonian Railway , where Peter was appointed assistant locomotive engineer and works manager .
8 The plant had been criticized as being " in very poor condition " by an IAEA inspection in 1991 , after which the two oldest reactors had been shut down [ see pp. 38350-51 ] .
9 After which the animated Dr smith talked at length and cogently — about strokes .
10 The eggs were clear for the first two or three days , after which the developing fish were clearly visible inside .
11 A civilian government , elected in 1978 , was overthrown in a military coup in November 1980 , after which the 57-member National Assembly and the Constitution were suspended .
12 A civilian government , elected in 1978 , was overthrown in a military coup in November 1980 , after which the 57-member National Assembly and the Constitution were suspended .
13 But we are very close now to the critical turning-point after which the political scene in Prague could be as rapidly transformed as among its neighbours .
14 But we are very close now to the critical turning-point after which the political scene in Prague could be as rapidly transformed as among its neighbours .
15 Another kind of polygyny is often found in species in which the males defend territories that are briefly visited by females for mating , after which the female leaves and the male awaits the next mate .
16 There was evidence that a tear had progressed from the corroded area across the face of the pressure dome , initially in fourteen separate steps , after which the critical crack length was exceeded and total disruption followed .
17 Talks ensued with management , after which the General Confederation of Labour ( CGT ) instructed employees to return to work .
18 The roof together with the sides were bolted into position permanently , after which the sliding doors were fitted , these also having been built in a jig .
19 The draft 1991 budget presented by Finance Minister Theo Waigel on Nov. 14 required spending cuts of DM35,000 million ( US$23,645 million ) , after which the 1991 public-sector deficit was still calculated to rise dramatically to DM140,000 million or 5 per cent of GNP .
20 The gastric contents were collected at 15 minute intervals for 45 minutes to determine stimulated gastric acid output , after which the nasogastric tube was removed and subjects once more emptied their bladders .
21 If you do set too high , you may find that the first syllable spoken after a pause is distorted , especially on p's and b's , after which the overall level of the recording drops to a lower value as the speaker continues ; during the next pause in speech , the background slowly returns to its original value until the speech resumes , whereupon it falls again .
22 Hybridisation was performed at 60°C in 80% formamide and the samples were digested at 37°C for 2 hours after which the protected fragments were fractionated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis .
23 Having chosen confrontation with the unions the Heath government went down to important defeats : the resolution of the miners ' strike by the Wilberforce Report in 1972 ; the official solicitor 's intervention to free the ‘ Pentonville Five ’ in the context of demands for a general strike , after which the Industrial Relations Act was virtually a dead letter .
24 Nevertheless , in April 1991 leading separatists met with Chandra Shekhar in Delhi , after which the Prime Minister announced that a large number of Sikh youths imprisoned for minor offences would be released [ see p. 38151 ] .
25 The work is due to be completed in the year 2000 , after which the Great Hall will provide an unrivalled setting for conferences , concerts , balls and other grand events .
26 The samples were heated either at 400°C or 550°C for three days in the absence of water , after which the gaseous products were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography ( GLC ) .
27 The airlines then sued the Australian Federation of Air Pilots ( AFAP ) and individual pilots , after which the 1,647 pilots employed by the two companies resigned en masse on Aug. 23 .
28 Orlando Gibbons published a masterly set remarkable for its general seriousness in 1612 , and Tomkins a very fine book of what he preferred to call Songs in 1622 , after which the English madrigal went into a rapid decline — as did the type of solo song which had flourished beside it , the ayre with lute accompaniment .
29 This rough equivalence continued until the 1960s after which the rapid growth in local authority expenditure placed such pressure on the rates — with predictable political controversy — that central government steadily increased its contribution to local finances .
30 In one post the English applicant was shortlisted and was subsequently withdrawn — after which the Asian applicant was shortlisted .
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