Example sentences of "[prep] she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Social services stepped in to take Gemma into care after a neighbour looking after her went into hospital .
2 When she stopped speaking his feeling of animosity towards her seeped from him , and the pity that he always felt for her again rose to the surface and for a moment he himself knew the extent of her frustration and the reason behind her furious tantrums when she had known his uncle was going to marry again .
3 She opened the heavy oak doors and the dogs swept past her bounding across the drive to their master who was opening up the car boot to remove his luggage .
4 I 've got photographs of her leaning on hay rakes with yokels in smocks , more or less . ’
5 Then , to Perdita 's squirming embarrassment , he replayed the clip of her rowing with the umpire three times , freezing the frame of her yelling with her mouth wide open , until her teammates were howling with laughter and rolling round on the floor .
6 One of her co-accused in the Stompie Seipei Moeketsi trial , who supported her alibi that she was away in another state at the time of the 14-year-old 's murder , now says he lied throughout the proceedings .
7 And er , he ca n't , he ca n't take it , and he , sort of her took off me , yeah ?
8 of her calling from the blue like this ,
9 A picture of her painted on a wall was seen to shed tears and a chapel was built on the spot in 1485 .
10 It 's sad because I shall cherish the memory of her gazing at the palms of her newly extended hands and saying ‘ Fancy .
11 He was only dimly aware of Alina coming down the steps toward him , only dimly aware of her crouching by him to smooth the hair from his forehead .
12 And there was the idea of her submitting to a search and medical check by prison guards after she had relentlessly promoted herself and her Helmsley Palace Hotel in the last decade as ‘ The Palace Where The Queen Stands Guard . ’
13 As Agnes hurried down the street it came to her that it had been tactless of her to talk about life being dull and with no bright future ; for had they any bright future ?
14 Where had this dark side of her come from ?
15 A disquieting picture of the girl in the basement came into Ianthe 's mind and she was almost shocked to realise that she did not like to think of her looking after John .
16 There was nothing she could do to stop what must surely now be inevitable , and part of her gloried in the surrender .
17 The promo photo of her dressed as a 15th-century temptress got a suitably artistic response :
18 To maintain her riskless arbitrage , Mary was instantly required to sell her holding in Metal Bashers Ltd , buy shares in British Telecommunications to bring her holding up to 10% of her portfolio and sell part of her holding in each of the other 99 companies to reduce their average weight in her portfolio to 0.909% .
19 Once , the wind blew her long , pale hair forwards over his shoulder and strands of it caught his face and stroked it , and he could smell the fragrance of her drifting through his body .
20 Would it be totally insane of her to agree to his suggestion ?
21 IN Ruddigore , Mad Margaret could be snapped out of her raving by the password ‘ Basingstoke ’ .
22 She stretched experimentally , wincing as various parts of her ached in a way which brought the experiences of the night flooding back in full force .
23 In fact , part of her felt like smiling right back at him .
24 Lawyers for the Princess of Wales have been granted an injunction to prevent further publication of photographs of her exercising in a gym seen in the Sunday and Daily Mirror newspapers .
25 And , while she was chewing on that , suddenly some fierce Czech expletive rent the air , then , ‘ Hell , did you have me fooled ! ’ he raged , and when she had been certain that his fury was wholly on account of her pretending to be a journalist when she was not , he proceeded to throw her thinking totally out of gear when , his face whiter than ever , ‘ You wanted that interview so badly you were even ready to commit adultery to get — ’
26 The likelihood of her arrival at Brighton , the possibility of her speaking in the debate on immigration , and the nice problem of what to do with the old bat on the Friday afternoon ( a vote of thanks ? a place on the platform ? a solo entrance ? ) — these matters were all now exercising Fowler 's mind , the peace of which was not helped by the lead story in the Daily Mail : ‘ MAGGIE BRIGHTON BOUND ’ .
27 The casualness , and implicit disvaluation of her contained in that form , are exposed by her reply in verse : Even after her thirty-line speech of pathos and wifely love , describing his disturbed dreams , when Hotspur answers it is in the verse of public business , ignoring all that she has said : ‘ What ho !
28 I actually became interested , not so much in the women locally but my o , my own grandmother Greta , was a herring gutter from Wick I never knew her , I have one photograph of her taken with her two children , and when my children were small I used to look at this and think , how did she get away for weeks to work and follow the boats
29 After Mona agreed with Mr Carman that she shunned publicity , he produced glamorous photos of her taken at her mother 's mansion in Hampstead , North London .
30 Director William Sterling had spotted a Sunday magazine photograph of her taken by Lord Snowdon , arranged to meet her and shortlisted her with two other girls to meet Shaftel ; after a couple of screen tests in full costume , she was offered the role .
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