Example sentences of "[prep] they can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In the second case the sizes of the beads and the holes through them can vary .
2 A family member who is addicted to " fixing " others and being a caretaker for them can hinder the chances or primary sufferers finding progress or recovery for themselves .
3 At the early end of parenting women can spend literally years in a state of near exhaustion , which for them can make sexual relations very unattractive .
4 That children who experience a level of difficulty in learning significant enough for a Record of Needs to have been opened up for them can learn a foreign language within a special school setting .
5 The two principal isotopes of oxygen , , are chemically very nearly identical , but modest fractionation between them can occur when oxygen is partitioned between phases in which it is bound in very different ways .
6 CONGRATULATIONS to the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , for proving the law that if one department is capable of one stupid press release , two between them can raise the stupidity by an order of magnitude .
7 In considering the issue of legitimacy in relation to our constitutional arrangements and the exercise of governmental power , what has to be done is to examine a range of practices , decisions , actions ( and non-practices , -decisions and -actions ) statements and policies which between them can amount to a portrait of power , so that we can form a judgment or an assessment of that power set against the principles of limited government outlined and discussed so far .
8 And the strongest of them can kick twice , not just 300 metres from the line but again at ten metres .
9 Yet many of them come to terms with it magnificently , trying so hard not to add their pain to that of their children , in a situation that sometimes neither of them can alter .
10 The crackling of a fire , the dawn chorus of the birds , the sound of waves upon the shore ; most of these go unnoticed and yet each of them can give a great deal of pleasure if we could only learn to become aware of them .
11 But it 's the same as England , really ; some of them can handle me and some of them ca n't .
12 Two hundred pounds a week , some of them can earn . ’
13 In a normal conversation , the people involved are of equal status , and any one of them can change the topic under discussion or introduce new points .
14 The conditions for perfect competition are that : ( a ) there should be many small firms producing identical products ( so that no individual firm can influence the price of the product or the wage rate ) ; ( b ) there should be many individual workers ( so that no one of them can influence the wage rate ) ; ( c ) there should be perfect mobility of all factors of production ; ( d ) all labour and jobs should be homogeneous ; ( e ) there should be perfect information on the part of all buyers and sellers ; ( f ) wages and prices should be perfectly flexible , upwards and downwards .
15 But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director .
16 This tragic game can go on for the rest of their lives or one of them can decide enough is enough and withdraw .
17 Seven of them use wheelchairs and so staff need to raise an extra £4,000 so twelve of them can accompany the residents , who are paying their own way .
18 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
19 Which proves my point about teachers ; even the best of them can go completely over the top , for no reason whatsoever .
20 A defect in any of them can disturb the balance of the whole system , and the use of the right drug to restore balance had evident possibilities , if the right drugs could be discovered or invented .
21 The final plan , as it is adapted and developed by Lorestan , has less of a boy 's melodrama in it but it is the Rat 's plan , and it is the Rat who advises Marco to pose as a poor , insignificant boy so that the two of them can reach Samavia without attracting attention .
22 But neither of them can match the pungency of the original , an atmosphere of beaujolais , cigars and malevolence , and of political or legal plots being brewed in the all-night brasseries of Les Halles .
23 What baffles me is how few of them can spell .
24 Now er some of them can stop you see .
25 If there are many siblings who must compete for the mother 's favours , and if no one of them can exclude the others , each will probably demand equality as the next best thing to preference , and most definitely as the best way of preventing the preference of others .
26 Yeah , but I wonder how many of them can answer these questions
27 So they want us to go around at half past one or the two of them can start cos we 've got an addition .
28 How many of them can dance sing and act ?
29 So loud are these calls that a single insect can be heard half a kilometre away and a chorus of them can set a whole forest ringing and echoing .
30 ‘ I wo n't allow myself to be tortured , ’ Raskolnikov tells Porfiry , but our sense of their three long encounters is that there 's nothing either of them can do about it .
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