Example sentences of "[prep] he could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It began with striking his spurs off for disobedience , but ended more on the lines of he could stay and rot for two weeks for all Zacco cared .
2 He suggested that Brzezinski should " get stuffed " and then asked of he could translate this into Polish .
3 Anyway , surely someone like him could get hold of condoms if that 's what he wanted . ’
4 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
5 Stevens was one of the most meticulous of film directors and any actor working with him could expect a gruelling time .
6 She might then have been younger than Oswiu and her liaison with him could have occurred c .
7 Herr Hans-Eberhard Klein , the Frankfurt prosecutor who led the search , said : ‘ I am glad it is over , but I would rather have had a live Mengele than a dead one so that some of the thousands who suffered under him could have gained some little satisfaction from a trial . ’
8 We may take it that the utilitarian in him could accept with Ricardo 's labour theory of value his hostility to landlords , who might be regarded as unproductive and bone-idle , and share with him a reluctance to extend that hostility to master-manufacturers .
9 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
10 If the treatment has caused any physical damage ( for example to your scalp or face ) visit your GP as a statement from him could help your case .
11 A 15-year-old boy 's battle to force his mother to talk to him could end in stalemate due to the wording of the Children Act .
12 The threat to him could come from Paul Hourihan , who finished fourth on that occasion but was just eight centimetres adrift .
13 And er in , within that as you know you can actually er go for er the higher income if he wanted to he could push the income up on the hundred thousand say , we could make the income round about seven percent if we wanted to do .
14 He has the nonchalance of a guy it never occurs to he could get bust on the nose .
15 She knew that if he wanted to he could have killed her ; without apparent effort he held off her attack once the first shock had past .
16 No-one who looked at him could meet his gaze .
17 Held , allowing the appeal ( Lord Lowry dissenting ) , that an act expressly or impliedly authorised by the owner of goods or consented to by him could amount to an appropriation of the goods within section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 where such authority or consent had been obtained by deception ; and that , accordingly , the defendant had been rightly convicted of theft ( post , pp. 1073F , 1076G–H , 1080C–F , 1081C–D , 1109F , 1111E ) .
18 And by he could play it .
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