Example sentences of "[prep] i [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If finally I become wholly submerged in this solipsism there could be no other rational ethic for me than egoism .
2 You 've always been so strong that you do n't know what it 's been like for me since mother died . ’
3 ‘ Club before country was how it had to be for me because injury and suspension have left me with only 11 players for Arbroath 's league game with Brechin City on Saturday , ’ said McGrain .
4 Jill would work for me if Uncle was n't around but as soon as he appeared she did n't care a fig for me and would be off to see what he wanted to do .
5 For example , I perceive this flower in front of me because light which has been reflected from it impinges on my retina and causes trains of nerve impulses to travel along the visual pathways to the visual cortex .
6 I need a wife , who will obey me in life , and who will stay with me until death . ’
7 I cast the little with me because condom on .
8 They are just a part of trying to understand what 's going on inside me as Christmas draws near .
9 Shape and form are of greater importance to me than colour , so much of my work is in black and white .
10 I would have you smile too , fair cousin , as it is my hope and one that you are privy to that you may soon be more to me than cousin .
11 Food is more frightening to me than death itself .
12 I wanted things that were solid and well made , and of course safe ; that was more important to me than appearance .
13 As he said to me after relegation was confirmed last season , ‘ League football is still only fifteen divisions away , Les . ’
14 She stated in her own will it was to come to me when Dad died . ’
15 " Mr Kessler was very kind to me when Lance had his stroke . "
16 " He gets depressed and then he 'd rather shout at me than talk to me . "
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