Example sentences of "[prep] i [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 There was a lot of quarrels about me going out , and not coming back till late .
2 When he was dead , it was far too late for me to opt out .
3 It was useless for me to point out that the proposals were not those of the Government but of a group of advisers whose only power was to suggest .
4 But it sits long enough for me to point out the difference between the two species .
5 It is hardly necessary for me to point out that should this advice be tendered and refused by Your Majesty , only one result could follow in accordance with the requirements of constitutional monarchy , that is , the resignation of myself and the National Government .
6 It is useless for me to point out that scientific curiosity by itself is as irresponsible as the curiosity of a child .
7 Is it not just as strange for me to state out loud ‘ p , but I do n't have any vocal chords ’ ?
8 I felt the corporeal elephant on whose back my world was supported amble effortlessly along , rather that it being necessary for me to lean out from the howdah of my head and goad him .
9 The ideal is for me to stop out here on me own because , if I go into a unit or something and stop , it 's quite easy to go straight back on the gear .
10 I doubted that , but it was no time for me to talk out of turn .
11 He liked her ; but then , he was keen for me to go out with anyone , as long as they were not boys or Indians .
12 But he was offhand with me and seemed to be waiting all the time for me to go out .
13 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
14 Indeed , he predeceased Sir Nelson , which made my task a little easier , inasmuch as it was not necessary for me to carry out complicated inquiries in India .
15 That 's not for me to find out . ’
16 That 's for me to find out .
17 Said it remains for me to find out .
18 The physics baffles me , the philosophy bores me — but I know that I would take about seven years for me to write out all the digits in a statement of the odds against encountering another ship in Highlight .
19 He waited for me to get out of his sight , and then he worked his way down to Cuttle 's Bakery .
20 It is good for me to get out and do the shopping ; I enjoy that bit of fresh air every day , and it is something I have got to do because this is when I meet people .
21 They dig trenches which make it difficult for me to get out ?
22 The lower the bed is , the harder it is for me to get out .
23 But she was around the house long enough for me to figure out that whatever arguments she has with herself , at the end of the day she will find some really crackerjack reason for doing whatever it is she wanted to do anyway .
24 who got a paper for me to read out , then .
25 I do n't think there 's any need for me to spell out any more at this point what that may mean but the responsibility in as churches to ensure that we care for the under eights .
26 There was more of an opportunity for me to stand out over here , particularly as there is no real heavyweight contender on the British scene since Bruno lost to Tyson . ’
27 You have run after me to find out this thing as if it were just an answer to a riddle , or a joke which you remembered half of .
28 Statue of me Gazing out
29 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
30 Feminism for women like me grew out of our dissatisfaction with our social lot and coincided with the first books that provided a context and a theoretical explanation for what we felt .
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