Example sentences of "[prep] it and the " in BNC.

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1 And then there 's the time with the cart when you stand , like this mornin' , lookin' after it and the pony .
2 I also believe that the size of it and the rate at which it is growing indicates the use of the central organising function of the state ( which is one characteristic of a social service ) .
3 Alan set up the legal part of it and the political side and I would come in with the more spiritual side of it : the demand for separation from the Irish Presbyterian Church that was operating in cahoots with O'Neill at that time .
4 Never could they securely hold the Rhine until the Frisians at the lower end of it and the Saxons across it were tamed and Christianized .
5 Because of the vast size of it and the difficulty of controlling it when sailing single-handed , the spinnaker was n't a sail he used much and it was right at the bottom at the aft end of the sail-locker .
6 He felt the wind of it and the cold .
7 ( His father 's occupation is particularly significant , because the invention of the mechanical clock must presumably have depended on the co-operation of the learned man , probably a monk , who first thought of it and the blacksmith who actually constructed it . )
8 To stroll into reality , the detail of it and the context , to unravel and to uncover it is a better thing than to sprint past , reading the billboards of science . ’
9 It is not unknown for the editor of a newspaper to be brought to the Bar of the House for uttering a scandalous allegation against the House or a Member of it and the fact that the allegation is true will not necessarily help him .
10 I do n't think gay men changed their habits because of advertisements ; we did so , some of us , because we saw our friends dying of it and the horrible effect that it has .
11 Our companies need to take advantage of it and the Government should give them every encouragement .
12 At another command the Floridians formed , not a line , but a sort of V-shape with the woman at the tip of it and the travellers inside it .
13 For a moment he imagined he was in another world , a simple uncomplicated world : a world where there was no place down below in the valley where men were being prepared for war ; that there was no place in Northumberland where a woman sat in a room all day with only her thoughts for company ; that there was no one called Carrie Smith ; that the world had dwindled and there was only this secluded garden and a secluded house , as had been said , with the hills to the back of it and the river at its feet and two women so unalike , yet alike : so understanding , so thoughtful of each other , and not only of each other , but of him .
14 To suggest that things might have been otherwise had important individuals or groups behaved differently is to ignore the situation within which they were acting , their perceptions of it and the traditions within which their outlook had been formed .
15 The memory of it and the attitude of the other states rankled with de Gaulle , and undoubtedly strengthened his already considerable doubts about the wisdom of allowing Britain into an organisation which he wished France to dominate .
16 We were n't a part of it and the whole affair disgusted me .
17 In the case where members of such type of partnership are solely and exclusively active and/ or retired employees of a corporation , the corporation may guarantee the liabilities of it and the partnership may be formed without any financial contribution by its members , and the members ' liabilities are limited to their financial contribution ( if any ) plus their gross income during the calendar year in which the liability came into being .
18 Loved the feel of it and the smell of it .
19 So the quantity of cocaine seized has increased considerably but the quantity of crack is a very small proportion of it and the quantity of crack coming into the country is minuscule .
20 He accepted them without noticing them or where he was , because of the naturalness of it and the sherry on top of shock .
21 I loved the sadness of it and the staginess … and the tragedy of their loving each other so much that they could not be happy without each other or even manage to make anyone else happy , despite all their niceness and good intentions . ’
22 However personal and household crime in Merseyside appears from the survey to be most pervasive in the poorest areas of the count : there is more of it and the effect is most severe .
23 The demand must include an explanation to the debtor of the purpose of it and the fact that if he does not comply with it , bankruptcy proceedings may be commenced against him , the time within which and the methods of compliance and the right to apply to the court for the demand to be set aside .
24 A blackened pipe stood up out of the deck , just aft of the deckhouse on the port side , a heat haze dancing from the top of it and the ice on the metal supporting bracket dripping moisture .
25 I do n't know whether it was the overpowering sense of being imprisoned in a world of cloud and rock , the wild remoteness of it and the everlasting bludgeoning of the wind , but everything seemed to take longer than expected .
26 The granite-built house nestled into the hillside as though part of it and the gale roared overhead .
27 but he 's losing the concept of it and the understanding because
28 Rapturous as the circumstances of its conception may have been , the genesis as a whole could only , in retrospect , seem an extraordinarily painful business , as he intimated to Rohde shortly after the book was out : " No one has any idea how such a book comes into being : the trouble and torment it is to keep oneself as clear as this of other ideas pressing in from all sides ; the courage needed to conceive of it and the honesty needed to carry it through ; and above all , perhaps , my tremendous task vis-à-vis Wagner , which has certainly been the cause of many heavy clouds in my heart " the task of being independent even here , of taking up an , as it were , alienated stance . "
29 Or they put a sling round them or made a canvass and two supports on the side of it and the sling to be too hard on the cattle 's sides .
30 I listened to it I was shocked , not because of the content , but because of the happening of it and the realization of how Britain had changed .
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