Example sentences of "[prep] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She threw the ball across the lawn and the cat bounded after it over the frosted grass , the muscles rippling under the black sheen of his coat .
2 ‘ His neighbour is looking after it at the moment but I do n't think she 'll be prepared to keep it indefinitely .
3 ‘ Oh , ’ he says , then smashes the ball off the 15th tee , up over the hill and goes running after it down the other side .
4 Having quoted the opening of Gormenghast in 1.4 as an example of an opaque style , we shall now return to another passage which occurs shortly after it in the same novel .
5 A rat as big as a cat scurried down a steep slope and a small bush slid down after it in the torrential downpour .
6 I think we do have to explain the , the re-establishment of authoritarian forms of government more carefully , we ca n't just assume that there 's a kind of almost instinctive hankering after it among the mass of the population because I 'm just not convinced by that at all .
7 Their prey this morning was Lawn House , lying just below it on the hillside .
8 It was not bonded to those below it by the neat filling of soil and small growth that bound all the rest , though it lay aligned precisely to fill the place it had surely filled for a year or more .
9 The Package Name and Issue fields are self explanatory , The Selection column shows how each package selects the package immediately below it in the structure ; ie. SELECTED , LATEST or PREFERRED .
10 Finally , as this is the Christmas issue , I 'm finishing with a little quiz , which I hope you will find time to do just for the fun of it over the holiday .
11 ‘ You 're right into the teeth of it over the first five holes .
12 ‘ One hundred and fifty miles , most of it over the sea . ’
13 His voice went away again , and I heard doggy noises-puppy noises , come to think of it over the phone .
14 Played in English on a steeply-rigged stage in a shabby hall , this revival packs a pulverising punch , the most gripping account I have experienced of it over the years .
15 After carrying out a survey of the number of people who have died of it over the past three years , COHSE 's Scottish regional officer , Jim Devine , said the union believed many low-paid workers and pensioners were forced to make a choice between eating and heating .
16 He put it on the table and fixed the end of it under the lamp .
17 So , if I want to play a melody , I 'll think of it along the strings rather than across , to take advantage of that .
18 She ran to it , scooped up handfuls of loose earth and began to make a barrier of it between the edge of the fire and the hayfield .
19 He has done an enormous amount of hard and soft thinking , but most of it about the stimuli to which he is responding , and the rest about whether he is being honest with himself as to how he is responding .
20 I 've still got bits of it about the porno magazines and that though .
21 To do well , you need to become sensitive both to surges of lift and to the feeling of flying out of it into the sink .
22 He quickly wrote to London to apologise , and asked if he might use Dr. Watt 's " Short View of the Whole Scripture History " , asserting that " the author was a Dissenter , and the introduction of it into the School is not likely to create any fresh difficulty " .
23 ‘ So why not bring a little of it into the office ? ’
24 She rewarded him with such a beaming smile that he took the memory of it into the surgery with him , where it stayed all morning , brightening the day for him .
25 The splash of the water against the wheel and the splatter of it across the windscreen recalled to Harry 's mind the sound of falling water that had drawn him in a dream up the stairs of the Villa ton Navarkhon : a dream of statues made flesh , of messages concealed in images , of meetings both expected and located , amounting to what all logic suggests they can not be : rendezvous to which one has already unconsciously agreed .
26 Wrapped up in it , like a cosy cocoon , she rolls around the stage , or strews parts of it across the floor only to sink to her knees in the middle of the pile .
27 The alternative is to scare off the enemy and this is done by inflating the body and raising the rear end of it towards the approaching assailant .
28 And some of the newcomers have money to throw around , so I 'm not going to prevent them throwing some of it towards the hunt .
29 Central to those ideals had been — at least since 1922 when Tawney published his Secondary Education for All — the extension of secondary schooling ( although , less precisely , not all of it of the grammar-school variety ) to the whole of the population .
30 It is the decisions , the policies , the judgement , motives , principles and ambitions , the skill and lack of it of the leading political actors which are decisive .
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