Example sentences of "[prep] and a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I must admit that selected areas of the park are well looked after and a delight to wander through , but unfortunately by far the greater area of ‘ Old Deer Park ’ is spoiled by litter .
2 It is an interpretation of and a parallel to the singing of seven Chinese poems about the ever transient phases in the life of Man .
3 The I think the erm the main point that I 'd like to make is that erm the structure as it 's posed erm is for the same number of staff erm , however , the three , what were supervisory stroke managerial posts erm have changed , we feel , as a result of the merger and therefore , and there are three er little posts mainly , a head of , people called a head of and a head of the support , support a support services manager and a support services officer and erm the appendix details the main er , functions in each post , er those posts .
4 ‘ It is obviously something Rosanne is aware of and a subject we talk about from time to time .
5 They are at once a replication of and a threat to the unitary governing structures of the society in which he lives .
6 See the old man was saying when he was doing Salisbury Plain they blew up couple of and a couple of
7 Note that the philosophy here is that all the hardware is ultimately an extension of and a support for human functions .
8 This , it was said , would be the " basis of and a step towards friendly relations between the Baltic states and CIS countries " .
9 The reverse pattern would obtain to the right of and a move from a point such as 4 to point 3 can be anticipated .
10 This truism was elevated to the status of a theory of and a strategy for development , particularly in Latin America , and became known as ‘ import substitution industrialization ’ ( ISI ) .
11 In conclusion it may be said that the structure of the spirit world constitutes both a model of and a model for the larger social system in which the Buid are embedded .
12 We completed this task in 1983 with the collaboration of and a team based in Norway .
13 It is used to drive a load with an inertia of and a torque of .
14 This could give staff and governors something specific to aim for and a way of measuring success .
15 Detectives have now found a knife they were looking for and a motorbike which was seen nearby .
16 An apt combination of noun and adjective , a bon mot , an evocative phrase , is as much as an artist can hope for and a reader can expect .
17 So you ca n't buy me a box of chocolates for and a card ?
18 Assessment may also be used to motivate pupils by providing a target to aim for and a reward for passing in the form of accreditation .
19 He had a potter about and a chat and decided to set up in the far corner to our left .
20 By then several million years have elapsed since the birth of the star and its iron core contains several solar masses and has a density of about and a temperature of about 109 K. Further collapse is inhibited by the electron degeneracy pressure : this pressure is the direct consequence of the Pauli principle requirement that two electrons can not occupy the same quantum state .
21 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
22 It will revolve around a discussion between and a gentleman from the CBI , but it is also likely to include our own levelling his empty ( transferring barley to germination ) .
23 He 's he 's out yes and there are two or three in which have erm you know they 're sorry that they 've gone back and er we feel sorry sort of for them that they 've dropped into and a lot of our young lads have got mortgages and all that but there are some gone back er they need not people erm they 'd finished rearing their families and everything .
24 Each is marked by an engagement with and a retreat from the world , a constant movement backwards and forwards which ends , if one stays in the profession , largely , though not wholly , in a withdrawal , for these are the picturing not the tinkering trades .
25 The distinction has to be noted ( because traditionally thinking in criminal law seems to regard it as important ) between a request by the patient that treatment be discontinued which is complied with and a request by the patient that someone stabs him to death which is complied with .
26 The parents can pinpoint the problems that they do not know how to cope with and a discussion about different strategies of management can develop .
27 Individual registration forms could be dispensed with and a list of names , initials , nationality and passport numbers could be handed in by the tour operator .
28 ‘ They felt their needs had never been dealt with and a group would take away attention from their problem , ’ she says .
29 In Lombardy , however , the rib vault was experimented with and a number of examples were built .
30 ‘ I never thought I should have a friend to play with and a pony to ride , Aunty ! ’ she said happily , as she got ready to go out and call for Angela Yatton .
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