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1 Their link-up of slavery with forms of domination within the family is well documented in traditional systems of slavery such as are found in many parts of Africa .
2 Some of these can be expressed as a distance-decay function and indeed costs of migration may largely be a matter of distance as in the case of outmigration from island economies such as are found in the Caribbean or Oceania ; others are political and virtually insurmountable , such as national frontiers .
3 In high fertility societies such as are found in the Africa region , the modification of these goals would be a first step in efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality .
4 Farming communities , such as are found in Central Wales , benefitted a great deal from the advent of the railway : it meant cheaper raw materials , but at the same time the value of farm produce increased due to the railways ' ease of access to the more affluent urban markets .
5 A MAN was taken to hospital this morning after being found in flames by two passers-by .
6 Three quarters of the nation 's entire AIDS problem is to be found in London and the pattern of need is changing fast .
7 There may , however , be questions in her mind about the choices open to her : how will the information in a catalogue differ from what is to be found in a monograph ?
8 Thematic articles are likely to be found in two sorts of periodicals , general magazines and academic journals , either interdisciplinary or of specialist disciplines .
9 Articles on this sort of theme may appear in art periodicals , but are just as likely to be found in other journals , on literature , say , or history .
10 In the next stages there is pleasure to be found in identifying subjects , and in discovering that pictures can convey messages expressively .
11 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
12 Scobie appears to borrow the connection from an article by Sandra Djwa — ‘ Leonard Cohen : Black Romantic ’ which first appeared in 1967 , where it is more skilfully and roundly argued : ‘ Cohen 's dominant theme ( is ) , ’ she says , ‘ the relationship between experience and art , and more specifically the suggestion that the value of experience is to be found in the art of ‘ beauty ’ distilled from it … ’
13 Berkeley 's attack on abstract ideas is to be found in the introduction to his Principles of Human Knowledge , of which there are many editions .
14 One of its earliest expressions is to be found in Thomas Hobbes 's Leviathan , published in 1651 :
15 A Cogelow tool ( above ) and the sweep of shapes to be found in the Ashley Iles catalogue
16 Evidence that David Kirby was keen to show that L&SE was no longer a region-based organisation is to be found in the launch of Awayday , entitling an adult , if accompanied by at least one child , to purchase up to four additional tickets for adults or children at a flat fare of £1 each for use anywhere within the sector area .
17 Choreographers can make subtle differences between dancing to a waltz , mazurka or polonaise and there are contrasting rhythms to be found in a ¾ time signature .
18 Some of the best examples of the single gesture of great significance are to be found in Ashton 's A Month in the Country and MacMillan 's The Invitation .
19 There are many other instances of Ashton 's witty beaten touches that may only become apparent after several viewings and are to be found in Birthday Offering , Sylvia , La Fille Mal Gardée and elsewhere .
20 Other profoundly moving gestures are to be found in MacMillan 's The Invitation and particularly in his Requiem when he evokes a child 's wonder of life in the solo , Pie Jesu ( see page 136 ) .
21 Some of them are to be found in Checkmate when the Red Pawns pick their way from square to square , whilst their Queen guides her King to his throne with tender steps .
22 A brilliant example of variations on a hornpipe theme is to be found in Cranko 's Pineapple Poll , which has very strong , even coarse elements when danced by the sailors before it is slightly refined by the gallant Captain Belaye .
23 a rigorous attempt to Think the limits of that principle of reason which has shaped the emergence of Western philosophy , science and technology at large … the activity of deconstruction is strictly inconceivable outside the tradition of enlightened rational critique whose classic formulations are still to be found in Kant ( Norris 's italics ) .
24 Such frightened insolence about Americans is still to be found in England , and among what the English regard as their intellectual and artistic elite .
25 Certainly the aspiration is not limited in modern times to those who have read Emaux et Camées , the French book that Pound respectfully pillaged for Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ; it is to be found in all modern poetries known to me , Russian and Polish as well as French , and ( more faintly ) in British and American .
26 Part of the answer is to be found in the life of Cardinal J H Newman .
27 Much more cogent reasons for Ms Brown 's correct conviction are to be found in Lady Diana 's own words , which I quote from Philip Ziegler 's biography and which amply confirms others , just as forceful , that she used to me in the course of our more than 40 years of close friendship : I never responded to his dribbling , dwarfish little amorous singeries .
28 ‘ Northampton is an expanding area and wages for care assistants can not match those to be found in industry , ’ says Bill Aitken , the department 's operations manager .
29 This is one of many gems to be found in Janacek 's Uncollected Essays on Music .
30 Weill correctly perceived that the voice of the American nation was to be found in the musical , but as this form commanded no intellectual respect , the musical establishment has ever since accused him of selling out politically as well as musically .
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