Example sentences of "[prep] be give some " in BNC.

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1 They may therefore approach the post-assessment consultation in the expectation of being given some definite information regarding the child 's difficulties and the likely prognosis .
2 In the galley , Harry had his first meal for six days , before being given some bread and butter and cigarettes and being advised to return in two days , just before the ship sailed .
3 ‘ If the players are to be given some incentive , they really have to get the North going as it was .
4 When he asks to be given some of the soup , Jacob seizes the opportunity , and exchanges a bowl of it for Esau 's privileges as the firstborn .
5 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
6 Many , of course , are not , and that would seem to increase the need for the advantaged children to be given some understanding of the harsh world in which many other children have to live .
7 Later on in my undergraduate career I was lucky enough to be given some teaching by Dr Douglas Ross , consultant in Glasgow , and had personal experience of the efficacy of homoeopathy when he cured the gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums ) which had been plaguing me for three weeks with a homoeopathic preparation of mercury .
8 In fact , the legal force of any particular rule depends partly on the source of its authority ( essentially , whether it is supported by statute or not ) ; partly on the way it is drafted ( rules which are drafted in precise technical language are more likely to be given some legal force than are rules drafted loosely and non-technically ) ; and partly on its contents .
9 Though this may be the case , it would be helpful to be given some idea of the potential cost-benefits and disadvantages .
10 For that to happen , students have to be given some space in which to develop intellectually in their own way .
11 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
12 to allow the considerations for and provisions of the emergent Structure Plan Review , insofar as they had status , to be given some , but no overriding , value in the consideration of the merits of this appeal .
13 Hence the current emphasis on sustainable development ( meeting our needs without making it impossible for future generations to meet their needs ) , which is what the Earth Summit is meant to be giving some practical expression to .
14 ‘ Demand was so good that it expanded from there , and George was happy to act as consultant , in return for being given some ground space at Ramsey to grow on Bonsai — his current passion . ’
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