Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] something " in BNC.

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1 On the face of it , in asserting that Ruritania does not exist we seem to be asserting something about Ruritania .
2 He just gives us an exercise out of the book , and he just sits … he always seems to be writing something . ‘
3 Bert Rafferty 's voice was subdued but firm , almost , Harriet felt , as if he was relieved to be getting something off his chest .
4 I mean , the same goes when the when they seem to be organizing something that
5 ‘ It 's a name I seem to be stuck with , but it really would be nice to be called something else for a change , says actor Nigel Havers , best known for his role in the ITV series of the same name .
6 Anyway , he 's got to be called something . ’
7 His new book , as yet untitled , but probably to be called something like Raymond Blanc — Cooking at Home , is going to be full of explanations .
8 The Captain was aware that at this stage she was still sufficiently frightened by what had happened to her to be hiding something , but experience told him that U would be useless to try and force her .
9 It 's no no they have to be hearing something they
10 Tallis could not see clearly but he seemed to be pushing something on to the staff , working it round until , with a crack , it slid into position .
11 I took down the battered , broken-spined A-Z I keep taped to the driver 's sun visor and pretended to be looking something up .
12 Leni smiled quickly , then just sat , very upright as if setting a good example , and seemed to be thinking something out .
13 I felt I ought to be thinking something momentous .
14 His lips seemed to be mouthing something , but Robert could not make out what it was .
15 I would n't put it past him to be slipping something into the juice when nobody 's looking .
16 For most of the past two years , after the first cracks in the ice were heard , Eastern Europe 's future used to be seen something like this .
17 And the ideas need to be caught they need to be done something with by the rest of the group .
18 Friends like to be given something you 've taken time and trouble to make for them . ’
19 The right to the ‘ pursuit of happiness ’ and the right to an ‘ adequate standard of living ’ are dead opposites , as opposite as the right to pursue something and the right to be given something , as opposite as the demand for minimum compulsion in society and the demand for maximum compulsion .
20 The Yorkshire outfit have been producing some good results in their own division , and have lost only one of their eight league games so far , but we saw the big gulf in scoring power between some of the first and lower division clubs in the county competitions and York look to be facing something of a Mission Impossible .
21 ‘ Maybe I 'm not very bright this morning , ’ she prevaricated , ‘ but you seem to be implying something .
22 I did n't know whether my imagination was leading me astray when you seemed to be implying something like that . ’
23 Visible now only in the panoramic view , the young woman appeared to be throwing something towards the few remaining Counsellors .
24 The boy seemed to be remembering something .
25 So she watched him closely , and she tried to read the signs , and when he seemed to be wanting something special she did her best to see that he got it .
26 ‘ See ya later alligator , ’ he waved his hand and pretended to be chewing something .
27 He was tall and gangling with a slack mouth and appeared to be holding something behind his back .
28 Cos you know it 's going to be dotted something or other .
29 At the present time interpretation , often of a narrow and unrewarding kind , flourishes , usually though falsely claimed on publishers ' blurbs to be saying something completely new and important .
30 Now the tiny old man in the window nearest to Billy seemed to be saying something , but his voice was so soft and whispery , Little Billy had to lean right up close to catch his words .
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