Example sentences of "[prep] and [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 If they were after foxes they would have either had several nets to cover all the holes or a dog such as a lurcher to chase after and catch the fox .
2 Verses 29–33 : the Merarites are to look after and transport the framework — pillars , pegs , cords — also under Ithamar 's supervision .
3 I am grateful to him for pausing for a second , at the end of a busy day , to take note of and observe the great benefits to his constituents and those of my hon. Friend the Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) as a result of the establishment of the new trust .
4 In Dorset 20,000 was allocated to ‘ monitor the impact of and develop the Care Programme Approach ’ .
5 Develop staff : make use of and develop the skills of staff .
6 The method used in the past few years has been simple — ignore names put forward by organisations you do not approve of and pack the committees with more sympathetic interest groups .
7 While it is important that we take stock of and combat the fraudulent ways in which we are being described by those who oppose us , we should not be unmindful or insensitive to what we are saying about ourselves , of how we are describing who-we-are .
8 The precise objectives outlined emphasise the intention to raise the awareness of and inspire the communication of information to " the WHOLE STAFF " ( Proposal document ) , and " to be constantly aware of the BALANCE OF STOCK held within the Library Resource Centre to ensure a suitable coverage of all subject areas " .
9 to those of our partners and employees who are required in the course of ( and solely for the purpose of ) such assessment to receive and consider the information ( and we agree that any such disclosure is on the basis that such partners and employees are made aware of and accept the strict provisions of this undertaking ) ; and
10 to those of our partners and employees who are required in the course of ( and solely for the purpose of ) such assessment to receive and consider the information ( and we agree that any such disclosure is on the basis that such partners and employees are made aware of and accept the strict provisions of this undertaking ) ; and
11 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
12 They are designed to help parishes to be more sensitive to the needs of and provide the necessary practical and spiritual support .
13 Follow-up : a challenging activity to make use of and extend the information .
14 Horowitz was not even looking at her : opening his executive case , he lifted the base , sorted through several documents , found what he was looking for and shut the case .
15 Ideally this will not be necessary if those who send them have a vision for and support the work financially .
16 The systematic activation of prior knowledge can act to prepare for and deepen the likely response to a text .
17 We care for and protect the natural environment , often working with national and local conservation bodies .
18 The main one is to put pressure on relationships to create anxiety or guilt or the urge to care for and protect the ‘ weaker ’ partner .
19 The fundamental achievement was the elucidation of the structure of DNA and proteins together with the mechanisms by which genes code for and control the structure of proteins .
20 In general , British managers are unfamiliar with property rental and are unsure as to how to search for and conduct the necessary transactions .
21 Systematic arrangements will be made to assess , provide for and review the health and social care needs of people with a mental illness who would benefit from support and treatment in the community ( Coventry )
22 Normal scientists will articulate and develop the paradigm in their attempt to account for and accommodate the behaviour of some relevant aspects of the real world as revealed through the results of experimentation .
23 This is not to suggest that no efforts are being made by the main-line churches in this country to care for and accommodate the traditions of those in their congregations who have come from overseas .
24 So you can vote for and join the Labour Party in Bangkok or Belgrade but not in Belfast .
25 Whether the headlong rush to develop and industrialise the world 's last great wild places can be controlled to ensure the survival of the unique river dolphins will depend on how the respective governments accept their responsibilities to care for and conserve the wonders of natural evolution .
26 Anyway , his push-bike would help to keep him for and conserve the precious petrol for more exciting excursions .
27 3.8.2 be answerable for and indemnify the Landlord against all actions costs claims demands and liability whatever in relation to any failure by the Tenant to comply with [ its ] obligations under clause 3.7.3 or in relation to any claim made by any adjoining owner or occupier or member of the public or other person in connection with the carrying out of the Tenant 's Works
28 Besides , if I marry Saul now , she will think I am provided for and leave the house away from me . ’
29 It is essential that we should maintain both our sensitivity and our effectiveness , if we are to protect and watch over the interests of the people we work for and provide the kind of services they need .
30 It will house a nucleus family of gorillas in its other half and we hope to be able to start a breeding programme and also to collect funds for and publicise the Digit Fund , set up to conserve gorillas in the wild .
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